I'm getting better

hello, i lately started to feel better, i think i stopped feeling this heartache i’ve felt before, i don’t feel like i’m attached to anyone or NEED friendship or relationship anymore, or in other words, i feel a little more independed now.

i’m not sure how that happened, i guess i just let go of this desire to have friends and relationship, and i feel more free now, now i can focus more on my goals rather then trying to find a non-existing person.

in productivity, i found a youtube video that helped me a LOT, it was about dopamine detox. it boosted my productiving tons, i now feel like i have a lot more time in a day, but i still have to improve doing more a day, because i still don’t finish all i want to finish in one day, but that’s okay, with time i think i’ll get better.

okay, now that these problems are gone, i still have other problems to solve, like feeling sleepy everyday, not being able to talk normaly with people, thinking really slowly ect… but i’m sure one by one i will solve all these problems in the end.

i won’t say anything about my game development journey here, i’ll just create a 4th post about that. but i will say this, it’s almost a 1 year annivesary of me learning drawing and japanese!!! i started learning drawing on 14th october 2022 hehe, and japanese somewhere on december 2022 i don’t remember exaclty.

by the end of this year, if i won’t forget, i want to share with you all all my year 2024 goals, because i have no friends and i want to share these stuff with people so i won’t feel too alone hehe.

hmmm… what else…

oh right, i wanted to ask a question, what are the odds that there’s no significent other for me? when i was looking a lot for one, it’s a thought that came to my mind, what if i just destined to be alone, and there’s no one person that fits me? if that’s really the case, it’s kinda scary, but i know i’ll learn to live with it.

one last thing, can someone say that they believe in me? hehehe

thank you for reading, arigatou!


I believe in you. You’ve done so much work already, more than believing you, I’m proud of you.

No one can say what the future holds, there are literally billions of folks alive on the earth. There will forever be a possibility that you will find someone who clicks and fits with you, and you are worthy and deserving love and affection, starting with self love and self-acceptance too.
You’re important and have worth.

glad you’re here with us :slight_smile: you matter!

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Hello there @Kanade :blush:

Your journey towards positivity is very heartwarming and your post gave me a good positivity boost. It’s good to see you’ve taken steps to see a lot more positive change in your life. It’s great that you’ve detached yourself from needing validation from friends and loved ones. You seem to be more focused on your own independence and goals, which shows you want to grow as a person.

I love that the YouTube video you found has helped you become more productive. This is so impressive! Progress is much more important than perfection and it’s okay if you don’t finish everything you have set out to do in a day. There is always room for improvement, but that comes with your own dedication and time.

It’s clear you deal with a few challenges is in your day to day life including fatigue and social difficulties. How you deal with these and turn negatives into positives is all part of the growth process. You appear to be approaching these challenges with a good attitude. Your right that moving slowly and one step at a time is the best possible approach to take.

Learning to draw and learning the Japanese language is such an incredible talent, and it’s great you’ve been doing this for a year! Always remember that life is full of surprises. This means your path may take some unexpected turns. Your focus right now should be self-improvement and happiness. Don’t wait around for someone to appear, the right person will appear when you least expect them to.

As for wanting someone to believe in you - I absolutely do! The progress you’ve made and the fact you want to grow as a person is inspiring. I know you have the strength to overcome any challenge you face

Keep believing in yourself! :heart_decoration:

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Congratulations on your progress I’m happy that you are improving in your life and hope you can have a more happier and productive life.