Im going through a rough spot right now im being b

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to a 45 by Shinedown
I’m going through a rough spot right now, I’m being blamed for something I know I didn’t do and no one believes me when I say I didn’t do it and I’m having thoughts of just ending it all, I’m so sick of all the bullshit.

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Hi and thank you for posting
That truly is a rough spot, I am very sorry you have found yourself in this situation, I cannot think of anything much more frustrating than telling someone the truth and them not believing you.
I want to start by saying that as annoying, upsetting and frustrating as this is, in no way is it ever worth losing your life over. These people do not have that much power over you. So lets look at the situation – just for your own state of mind, is there any form of proof that you have for this situation (I am fully aware you it shouldn’t matter and even if you did you shouldn’t need to show it) but sometimes you just cannot pacify people and wonder if this would be a way?
There is only ever so much a person can do to appease another person or persons, at some point you have to start listening to your own mental health and taking care of that. You are becoming a victim of punishment and you haven’t done anything and that is unfair and toxic behaviour. You do not need toxicity in your life, it will make you miserable and unwell, again not fair! You deserve better and I wonder if you are able to distance yourself from it all? Take time away for self care and doing things you enjoy rather then being made to feel bad. You are not a bad person, you are not a guilty person. You sound like a good soul with a big heart and I wish you the very best in time. We are always here if you need to talk some more. Best wishes. Lisa. X

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I’m so incredibly sorry they don’t believe you. It’s almost like they don’t trust you which shouldn’t be the case at all. And to get to a point where it affects you that negatively is something that’s never acceptable.

As @Lisalovesfeathers said, you don’t need toxicity in your life, at all. Are these people ones that you considered friends? Regardless of who it is, it’s not worth having them in your life if they’re gonna impact you this negatively. I’ve cut many people out of my life for reasons like this and it’s like shedding this huge burden off your shoulders. I can tell you want to have a good vibe around you. Never lose sight of that. Remember, your vibe attracts your tribe.

We’re always here for you, no matter what.

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It takes a strength to stand your ground and stand firm in what you know is true. Especially when there is so much opposition coming at you and people you thought would stand firm with you start listening to the other side. Often people say they listen to all sides of a story but forget that your side is still a side that deserve to be heard and expressed. You deserve to be listened to and have your voice be heard.
It’s a balance of wanting people to hear your truth, but also not feeling like you have to justify yourself.

It can be a very hard thing to allow our truth to exist in the same dimension as untruth. I believe though that it doesn’t sit stagnant. I believe that our truth has credibility and in the end comes to a place where it is free to be a driving force

@@HeartSupport I am still here and didn’t give in to that urge.

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@@HeartSupport I am still here and I didn’t give in to the urge to end it all. I talked to someone at the 988 lifeline.

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@@HeartSupport thank you for the kind words and I am still here.

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So thankful you are still here, friend. You matter so much. :heart: