I'm in clinic

but the crisis intervention only takes 2 weeks.
Next week I had to go home.

And I have to deal with a sport bulimia - so thats the reason why i went in clinic.

I have fear to get back in old behaviour when I’m at home…



I’m sorry to hear about your struggles with bulimia. It must take a lot of strength to limit this behavior and it’s good that you are seeking help. We are all here for you during your journey to heal. You can do this! Reach out if you need someone to talk to.

Sending well wishes your way
<3 Eyeless


Hey @kirschkuchn,

It’s really natural to have this fear of relapsing in old habits when you’ll be back home. The environment is not the same and, to be 100% honest, it’s possible that being back in a familiar place would be triggering. But it doesn’t mean you’d get back in your old habits. It’s like when we learn to ride a bike without the small wheels. It’s scary, it feels like we lack of a safety net, but it doesn’t mean we can’t do it.

You’re doing very great by being in a clinic. As you’re still there, you could try to talk with the doctors there about this transition. Let them know about your worries. It’s a reality they know really well, and they’d certainly give you concrete advices to handle this. It’s part of their job to make sure that you’ll be leaving the clinic in the best conditions possible.

On your end, maybe you can try to take some time to anticipe how it’s going to be. You can imagine, practically, your home, what you’re going to do there, etc. Maybe you can try to identify what could be triggering to you already, or what would be likely to make you feel vulnerable, so you can make sure that your environment would be safe. Scheduling some activities could be a thing too. You’ll certainly need to be focused on something you enjoy, at least the very first days. Also, consider making a list of people who make you feel safe and whom you could reach out to, in case you’re struggling and need someone to support you. You’ll also always have the possibility to come here and let us know how things are going for you. :hrtlegolove:

You’re not powerless, friend. You are still in control over your fears. It’s totally natural to feel how you feel, but you’ll be okay. We’re all here to support you through this. :hrtlegolove:

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I had talked about my worries, but they don’t take me longer on the psychiatric ward.
Because crisis intervention here in clinic allows only a stay for 2 weeks.

I don’t now to handle it. Tomorrow is the day of discarging of the clinic.
How can I handle this bad situation… I dont feel strong enough for this step.

And the doctors don’t keep me longer here.

sorry for my bad english - I’m from germany.


Hi @kirschkuchn - You don’t have to do this alone.

I am sorry the support you need right now from your doctors and the clinic is not longer, and I can see how scared you are. I can feel how worried you are that all the hard work in clinic will be unsustainable when you are released. I am so sorry you are having to face this.

I am very proud of you for recognizing where you have weaknesses and where you need support. We are here for you to share your story, to tell us about what helps you and what hurts the process. I encourage you to research groups or organizations in your area that support people after they leave clinic. The clinic might even be able to supply that to you.

You do not have to do this alone. You are doing the right thing for yourself, and you are stronger than you imagine. It doesn’t mean it will be easy, but you deserve to fight. You matter, your story matters, and I hope you can do this for yourself, but you do not have to do so alone. Thank you for sharing with us.