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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Solway Firth by Slipknot
I’m Leo from Amsterdam and a Huge Fan of SLIPKNOT and I can really relate to Corey his depression and I’m in the same kind of depression he was in when he wrote WANYK. And for a matter of fact I’m from the same year as him and we only have 3 months difference in our birthdays…since I’m from September 1973 and Corey is from December 1973 and we both have many traumatic experiences.
I’m not sure about Corey, but I was diagnosed with ptsd…More than 3 years ago and I am also experiencing a midlife crisis and I even have a mental illness they still have to investigate😔
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Thanks for just opening up and sharing what you’re going through it may seem like alot but you’re not alone through what you’re dealing with…
Whatever you’re going through it again may feel like alot and we are here for you at heartsupport. Alot of Slipknot fans have opened up about many topics which is amazing. You can find that acceptance in what you’re going through and a way to deal with them just take it easy on yourself through all of these things you’re facing.
It honestly going to be alot with these illnesses and mental health issues but i have hope you will do well throughout these issues you’re facing in life.
Take Care & Hold Fast.
Good morning my friend.
Thank you so much for commenting here and for giving us a moment to be in this with you. I really appreciate it.
I want to firstly say that Im sorry for your experiences and trauma. I know that none of us who struggle with trauma and mental illness really asked for this - but choosing to fight through and continue moving forward is something worth applauding. And Im proud of you.
You mention PTSD and having a midlife crisis. May I ask about that? What does that look like right now?
Also, it sounds difficult exploring other mental illness. I can imagine that feeling exhausting and perhaps even a bit scary. I could imagine being worried about what the answers my be or what they might mean.
I dont blame you at all for how you feel. And im really glad that you’ve found camaraderie within Slipknots music. Has that been a major outlet for you?
Regarding your mental health, Im proud of you for exploring what your illnesses are. In my own life, i sort of ran from rediagnosis for many years. I was diagnosed as having anxiety and bipolar 2 when I was 16. I went to a really not great therapist for a short stint and then never really did anything with my mental health for about a decade. I was always so scared of what it would reveal about me. I was scared of how hard it would be. I was wondering “what if I cant do this”
But the work was worth it. At this particular point, Im married. Im thriving. I still need to go back to another round of therapy, but i feel i can recognize the cycles im in and when they pop back up and work backwards to get out of them.
In that, I want to say that you’ve got this. I dont know what your diagnosis or treatment looks like. But you’ve got it.
Feel free to reply, to comment back, to keep us updated as to your progress. And hold fast.