
Hello Xiviaz! You are wanted here. I hope that provides meaning for you in the moment my new friend.

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From jezlie: I’ve deleted the comment specific to race. We don’t want dismiss experiences, but we’re not going to fuel further negativity in that way here, either.

I can see your hurt and frustration omin your post, and I hope you believe all of the wonderful people here that havw reached out to you. :heart:

From lostgremlin: it can feel unbearable to have other humans judge you for an inherent, unchangeable, beautiful element of you, but as <@856193498285735956> says, the best way to make your adversaries uncomfortable is to live well and exist. racism can be overcome with kindness, while death is permanent.

you deserve to be loved, and it can be hard when those in your life cannot do that, so please be kind to yourself. even if it is to spite them. show your body that it is safe with you, and win this battle against the darker parts of humanity. i highly suggest seeking medical help as you seem significantly dehydrated. if you need anything else, we are here for you.

From Rohini_868: Lets brwak down the facts.
Someone said something racist.
-whose value is reflected in that? Not the victim or target of such monsense. It shows the thoughts and mentality of then person uttering those words.

  • you’re really hurt and feel devalued.
    By whom? Why should a racist have so much power and control over you? You, your heart, your very being is revolting against such a statement. Why then would you ever harm yourself?

Why should their words aggext you so much that it makes you change the way you see yourself?

-you’rrw hurt. You’re angry probably. Probably feeling betrayed.
So how do we cope with such humongous feelings?
We cey, we write a letter, we reach out like you’re doing now. We don’t hurt ourselves. We remind d ourselves, or we ask others, to help remind us of the good in the world, of the non-racist good people in the world

You’re supported and surrounded by so many of us who would never agree with such thoughts or ideals. As much as it cut you, this is a safe space where you can work through that hurt safely and healthily.

You are loved and you have value. We truly don’t care what colour skin, religious beliefs, past, or anything like that.

You’re not here by accident
You matter friend

Find courage to withstand this hurt, find the strength tonprove them wrong. We stand with you.

From Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: Well said!===============

From Rohini_868: Also, you are not your body. Your body is a part of you, it carries your heart, your brain, it lays the basis and vessel to carry your personality. Someone saying something racist attacks one part of you. Its so idiotic to use race as a means of judging anything, because we are more than bodies. So treat the body of yours well. Go get medical help. We are here. We want to see you continue to be your wonderful self and see what other amazing things you go on to do with your very important life, friend

Please drink some normal water you mater in this beautiful world. There are some ugly people out there who use hateful words but there are also some amazing people out there who want nothing more then get to know you and share the ride that is called life.

Ive been bullied alot when i was younger and it hurt me alot. However, i found live music and the wonderful people there; and continue to meet wonderful people each show i attened. The world is full or beautiful and amazing things.

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From Microsmos: <@1001317941918306364> It is absolutely unfair to have been treated in such an awful way. I’m so very sorry that there are people in your life who have repeatedly shown you the worst that humanity can bring at times. It makes completely sense to feel defeated and hopeless in a world that seem to constantly reject you and treat you differently. These experiences that you had should have never happened and is a pure injustice. You in yourself matter so much more than what they said or did to you. Let’s not let their hatred and ignorance win, friend. They don’t get to hold such power over you, over your life, over your future. You have the right to live and exist even if there are people who, blinded by their own fears, don’t agree with this fact. You have the right to live, and even more to try to live your best life. Right now, please make sure to reach out to crisis services and to not stay alone with these thoughts. You can find a list of these in: <#423176381141090304> I hear how hurt you feel. I see you and I’m seeing all the hugs of the world to you. You belong. You always did, and you always will.

From lostgremlin: <@1001317941918306364> glad to see you online, how are you doing?

From Xiviaz: im good==================

From Xiviaz: way better now===========

From Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: Glad to read this friend!

From Xiviaz: <:Hugz:377590408030453760> :grin:

From Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: <:Hugz:377590408030453760>

From lostgremlin: glad to see you here! also happy to hear that you’re doing better now

Thats awesome tobhesr that your doing better

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From CherrY: I’m so happy to hear <3==

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From joud: are you okay=============