
From Xiviaz: Im literally going to make a sodium overdose. So many racits that ruined my life. I was getting better (because before i had some hard times) but now this happens. I’m literally so done and i wanna kill myself. Right now im in “dehydrating process” because i took water with a bunch of salt and i stopped drinking normal water. I even have screenshots of the racist words said to me.


From Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: Please don’t do this. You are worth living. Even if someone said racist, and it is hurtful, you don’t need to die. I know it’s hurtful but it’s not too late to save yourself. People who are usually hurtful towards other, usually are talking about themselves.


From Xiviaz: I have no reasons to live

From Xiviaz: Before i had some suicidal thoughts and stuff like that but it was fixed then when i started to be happy this happens

From Xiviaz: I literally have no reasons

From Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: Yes you do. I may not know you but I bet you are a wonderful person. You have so much to offer the world and you can do great things. I know those words hurt you, but you are better than those words. Please, let us help you and save yourself now. I know you feel this is the only way to stop the pain but this will hurt everyone who loves you too.

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From Xiviaz: No. I just can’t=========

From Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: Yes you can. Come on, drink some plain water and start hydrating yourself.

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From Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: Don’t let those words destroy you. You are wonderful I bet.

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From Daisy Lou: Please call emergency services and get help. I’m sorry that people said nasty things to you. You did NOT deserve to be told any of those things. The things those people told you reflect on who they are as people, they don’t reflect on you in any way. I know you don’t think you have a reason to live, but I do think you have reasons to stay. If nothing else, I think you should stay to prove they’re wrong about what they said to you. Please call emergency services and get help. You matter.

From Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: Exactly what Daisy Lou said, I 100% agree with. There are some really nasty people out there, but we should not let them define us or shape us. They don’t know us and they don’t know our stories.

From Xiviaz: I won’t waste you guys time anymore

From Xiviaz: Im done.=================

From Daisy Lou: You’re not wasting our time

Hi Xiviaz

I am so sorry you have been so hurt by cruel and ignorant people being racist towards you there is absolutley no excuse for it and you do not deserve it. Unfortunately you cannot control what people think or what comes out of their mouths however you can contol the power they have over you and the way you allow them to affect you.
You know the best revenge is to show them that their words are meaningless and that their ignorance is lack of knowledge and education. Of course it hurts, there is no getting away from that. Words have an effect but that can work both ways, good words should too and so I am telling you that you are worth so much more than you are giving yourself credit for, you deserve to have a good, peaceful and happy life.
I don’t know when you last had something to drink but the first thing I did when I read your post was to look up what dying by dehydration was like and although initially you do not read anything particularly bad, when you look into it its highly unpleasant and can take a long time.

Friend, do you really want that? you don’t deserve that, no one does. I could list all the bad things that are going to happen to your body if you continue but I am not going to do that because I am going to trust that you will get some help and show these racist fools that you are stronger and better than they will ever be and you have a whole community of people behind you here to help you. I believe in you and I trust you can make the right choice friend. Lisa. x


From Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: We care about you. You matter to us. My friend, you are worth more than time. I have nothing better to do than to be here and help.

From Xiviaz: I just can’t stand them anymore

From Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: I’m sorry you feel that way. Not all of us white people are bad.

From Lady Alcina Dimitrescu: Some whites were never taught how to be kind or taught racism is wrong.

Hello! You are not a waste of our time at all.