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I’m so afraid. I’ve sought help and keep getting turned away. I feel so hopeless. I don’t know what to do. Thank you for giving a shtt.
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I hear that, it’s so frustrating when looking for help and there isn’t any. Feeling hopeless definitely puts a hurting on the daily. Our community is here to listen and support you so you know yer not alone, don’t give up.
Good morning dear friend. Thank you so much for posting and for talking about it, even if a little bit.
You mentioned that you’ve sought help several times but keep getting turned away. May I ask why you’re being turned away? Regardless of reasoning, that can’t be easy to deal with.
I can imagine feeling…forgotten? If the systems that are in place dont actually accept or help each person…are they really for everyone? I would feel hopeless too I think. And I dont blame you for how you feel.
For me, money was always the barrier. Lots of places were too expensive for me to get treated at. I either couldnt afford insurance or couldnt afford to pay out of pocket so i just couldnt afford to “get healthier” which felt so frustrating. Like being healthy was only for the rich and capable.
Sometimes, getting treatment or getting better felt, as you said, hopeless.
I hope that you keep moving forward though friend. I hope that you continue trying. The world deserves your kindness and generosity. Your spirit.
Hold fast, okay?