I'm sorry

I honestly don’t think the world would lose a ton with me dead. I don’t have a future. I’m sorry. I don’t think I can anymore. I can’t try anymore… sorry


Hi @JustAnotherPerson,

Thank you for being vulnerable with us. I am not sure about what you have going on, but I just want you to know that you are not alone and matter so much more than you currently think. Your ability to be vulnerable and express how you are feeling is inspiring, and I am proud of you for sharing it with us. Life is full of ups and downs, and I am sorry to hear that you are losing hope. I believe in you. If you would be willing and comfortable, maybe you could share some of the things weighing heavy on your mind. This is a very safe space and I want you to know you can share or vent about anything without judgement. I know for myself that when I have a lot of things on my mind, it is really helpful for me to think about them and try to solve them one by one. Is there a trusted friend or family member you could confide in? Maybe by sharing here, you could clear your mind and get things off your chest? If you are comfortable, just know we are here to listen and help with anything you need. Please hold on; you deserve love, happiness, and all the good this life can give. I want to share some resources with you as well. You have a whole community of people at Heart Support who deeply care and are here to help you in any way possible. I am sending love and hugs. <3

Better help is an affordable and convenient way to receive online counseling and offers a 1-week free trial

Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 988
National Suicide Prevention Chat: HERE


Hey there, thank you for being open with us here, we do not take it for granted, we appreciate it so much.

Man, I have been here, please know you are not alone in this. I know how tough these feelings and thoughts can be, I know how overwhelming they can be, so consuming.

If you were not here, the world would be losing something so great and important. My friend, you are worthy of life, of love, of happiness. The world needs you, there are people who need you. There are people who’ll listen, and people who care, I know this my friend because I too have been there. So many have been there.

You do have a future. You have things you love, things you are interested in. I know at times it can be hard to understand what you want to do with your life, where you want to go… but that is one of the great parts of life. You learn, you love, you live, you experience things. I know how it can get in these moments, it feels like nothing can go right, nothing can get better, but man I promise you things get better! There is happiness to be felt!

I have been lost in life, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my future, man sometimes I still don’t, and that’s ok! It is okay to not know what you want to do in this moment, what you want to go to school for, what you want with your life. It is something a lot of people go through, a lot of people struggle with these things. You are not alone in these struggles, these thoughts.

Things get better, I know right now it really doesn’t feel that way, it is hard to see the light. Sometimes it helps me to think about previous good times, the holidays, the vacations, the happy times with family and friends. You are deserving of happiness, you are deserving of greatness, you are deserving of love. You do not deserve this pain you are experiencing and I am so sorry that this is a battle you are fighting as well.

I have been there, at rock bottom, many times, I have felt like I could no longer go on, I could no longer get better, I could no longer be happy. I have been there where it just feels like it’s the end, where I am laying on the bathroom floor just crying so silently… I have been there so many times my friend… but it has gotten better, and I know that is so hard to feel and believe in this moment. It is so hard to have faith that things will get better but I promise you with time and work things get better.

I know how hard it can be to find positivity in these times, but please know that we are always here for you! We are here to listen, to be a shoulder to lean on! There are good things to come!

My friend, please keep us updated. Take it slow, take it easy, a little bit better every day is all it takes.

Much love to you, I believe in you, you got this my friend. You can make it through this.

With love,