Instagram Fan #22

I’m struggling to find my place. I’m in a band and we’ve been writing and releasing music throughout the pandemic but we aren’t playing shows and that’s been hard. All my band mates have great jobs and I left my full time job to pursue barber school but now I don’t think that’s going to happen. I want to get a good full time job but I never graduated college and all of my past failures seem to be piling up. I’ve got a good woman that I want to make my wife but if I don’t have a career I don’t know how that’s going to happen. She’s a year from graduating and I’d like to have something stable before then…I have faith that God will get me through but it’s just hard.


Keep your faith and you will get through this. Times are hard right now and hopefully soon if you heart still is with becoming a barber you will be able to do that. Your band will soon be able to start up again:) You sound like an amazing, caring guy.

Hey friend, thank you so much for opening up. It takes a lot of courage to talk about your failures. I imagine it feels like everything is changing all at once and you’re not sure where to turn or what to do next.

I imagine it’s so difficult to feel like the people around you that love you have it all figured out- to see them having great jobs and stability and something to fall back on.

My encouragement to you is to try to resist the urge to compare yourself to your other band mates. So often when we compare we are comparing something we are insecure about to a secure part of someone else’s life which sets us up for failure.

My other encouragement is that I can tell you care a lot. You desire so deeply to be able to provide and support yourself and your future wife. This level of care will carry you so much further than you know.

I have complete faith that you will find your path and this challenge will only make you stronger.

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From Original Poster: @heartsupportwall thank you so much. :heart:

From Original Poster: @heartsupportwall thank you. :heart:

Here’s a virtual hug for you! I hope it makes you feel a little bit better. :heart_decoration:

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