It-s-been-an-exceptionally-difficult-year-for-me-i - 2595

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
It’s been an exceptionally difficult year for me in terms of loss. I lost my father to addiction in February and then my grandmother to lung cancer in July. My mother passed in 1998, when I was 11, and losing now my father and grandmother, I’m now the last of my immediate family. I’m so lucky to have my wife and daughter, because they have been the rocks I have needed to keep from breaking down. Silent Planet’s music and Garrett’s lyrics have also been huge part of coping for me. ‘Terminal’ and now most recently ‘Collider’ have really been beacons of light that have given me some much needed perspective. I would love to tell the SP guys what their music means to me, and I’m so glad that they’re still with us after their accident!!


Wow friend. It sounds like it’s been one tough year. The loss just seems to keep coming and coming, and it feels like you can’t catch a break. And grief compounds and brings up old grief so in many ways I imagine it feels like you’re greiving all of the losses you’ve experienced all at once. It’s beautiful that you have been able to find solace in music. That’s where I find my peace too, and it sounds like you have built a beautiful family as well. Thank you for sharing a piece of your story. I hope that you can have a reprieve from loss and experience some peace and joy!

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@heartsupportwall thank you for the kind words! I appreciate the sentiments and I am infinitely grateful for the work that Heart Support does!

Hey my lovely :heart::star2:

First of all, I am so sorry for your loss. The pain you must be feeling right now is unimaginable, so I’m not going to say I understand. Everybody’s journey with grief is different. Some cops really well and others struggle badly beyond words. Grief is something that has its own timescale. You can’t rush it and you can’t put it to one side :hugs:

It’s clear that you loved those close to you dearly, so the depth of your loss must be unimaginable. I want to remind you that your loss is significant. A piece of your heart has been taken that you will never get back. That is a huge deal and a lot to process. Please make sure you take time to look after yourself my friend :smiling_face:

It’s great that you’ve found comfort in music and that your wife and kids have comforted you through this painful but personal journey. They are your anchors and they will keep you going. However if things become too heavy to bear, there are profsssional services out there that you can reach out to, should you need to!

All my love and well wishes to you! :blue_heart:

Oh friend, my heart goes out to you. It must be painful to look around you and realize that your immediate family is gone while you are standing still. Such a huge pressure and legacy on your shoulders, to know that you here also living in the continuity of the story of the family you grew up with. It’s a powerful yet painful and vertiginous realization. It is so understandable that this year has been difficult for you. You have lost people who have been sharing life with you and were so very dear to your heart. It’s comforting and beautiful to know that your family is also present with you and supporting you. It’s so important to go at your own pace when it comes to grieving and processing the emptiness that someone leaves in our life once they are gone. Little by little, you will learn to give them a space that is appropriate, and that will allow you to honor their memory through your own life. You are contributing to keep their legacy alive by sharing your voice, by trying to make the best of the time you have with your family, now and in the future. By simply giving and receiving love, as well as embracing joy when it is present in your life. Keep relying on the rocks that are supporting you. There will be a time when the good memories and the beauty of the time you shared with your immediate family will counterbalance, even just a little bit, the pain of their absence. I’m rooting for you.

@heartsupport @heartsupportwall3 Thank you so much for the words of support and advice! You’re both right, it’s been a weird, painful time but I’ll figure it all out eventually. :heart::heart::heart:

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You got this friend. :heart: