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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Hope by NF
It’s crazy my only dream is to retire and in this America it won’t happen lol. I make 80k but a house now the cheapest I can find the mortgage is 4k a month. I can’t even afford a house. Idk I’m so tired and have been for the past 25 years. I thought getting sober would do it but it’s the same old except now I care and it hurts even more. My retirement will be a hotshot at 67 or 72 whatever age you’re supposed to retire now. If that’s even an actual thing. I remember when it was 53 and possible. Not just possible but like promised
Definitely difficult times and im sorry you’re having all these things to fall back on you is quite hard. Especially when you’re looking to you’re future of retirement. Just ways to get that can be hard when you’re under that pressure. I can’t really afford a house either it hard on your own to take responsibility for these things and raising prices doesn’t help that too. Sometimes things are going to hurt but you’re not alone in this struggle you can find a peace of mind even when you’re under that pressure in your life.
Yea… it’s overwhelming when you’ve been carrying a lot on your shoulders for a long time. You have the absolute right to hope for retiring and enjoying some peace after all these years of hard work. You’ve done so much to reach that goal and it shouldn’t be so hard to reach it now. I’m truly sorry that you’ve been facing such obstacles and disappointment along the way. It’s just not fair the way things work nowadays.
It’s hard to feel like being stuck on a treadmill that just keeps running faster and faster. You’ve done so much already. Just getting sober is in itself such a huge accomplishment in your life that took so much out of you. You’ve worked hard to improve your life, yet it still feels like the world is against you, pushing you further away from that dream you had for yourself…
I can’t even imagine how exhausting it must be to work so hard and still feel like you’re so far from what you were hoping for. I’m 31, and the idea of retirement is something I’ve somewhat grieved as something that might never be reachable. But it certainly shouldn’t be that way. The way our economy functions is a complete nonsense sometimes, especially when it seems to favor this constant sense of injustice. You certainly don’t and never deserve to struggle like this right now.
It’s okay to feel discouraged, to feel tired of the constant grind. You’re allowed to have those moments, my friend. For what it’s worth, someone right here sees you and hear your voice. I hope that, despite how difficult all that is, you can give yourself the credit you deserve for how far you’ve come and how much you’ve done. And I hope that things start to shift the right way for you very soon.