It s hard for me to listen to this song as i was a

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
It’s hard for me to listen to this song as I was abused sexually by someone it really hurts


I am sorry that you had to go through this. We are here if you would ever like to share more, or talk about what you have been through. I hope that you are having a decent day today. <3

Hello friend,

Thank you for sharing this with us. It must have taken lots of courage to open up and make this post. I’m truly sorry to hear that you went through this. No one deserves to have to experience such a thing. The pain that you feel is real and it is valid and I hope that you are able to find good ways to start to heal from your experience. Know that this platform is an open and safe space and you are welcome to share or release your feelings about what you went through if you need to or would like to.

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It’s okay if you can’t listen to this song at all, or maybe even just partially. It is objectively a very raw and brutal music, one that hits ten times stronger when you personally relate to the topic in it. So many of us here have been bravely opening up about how it affects them, and that’s what matters the most in them. I’m also a sexual assault survivor as they call it, and I’m unable to listen to this song. I tried a little bit out of curiosity, but it seemed way too dark and way too deep for my heart to handle. Sometimes it’s relieving to listen to that type of music and release the tears, but sometimes it’s just not the right time.

In the present moment, it’s okay to set limits when we need it and recognize what might add more hurt to an already, very present, wound on our hearts. There are so many things out there that can reactivate this pain, and sometimes it’s just safer to stay in in our own bubble. To be honest, the fact that you are aware of how it makes you feel and put your experience into words is already such a huge sign of strength and courage on your part. I don’t know if you see it, but I surely do! It allows you to set boundaries when you need it, prioritize your well-being, and connect with others who can relate/understand the way you feel. I’m personally so very thankful that you’ve decided to share about your experience here, despite the pain and despite the emotional trigger that this song can be. There is an opportunity right here to be our true selves by expressing our vulnerability, and there won’t be any judgment or stigmatization of our pain on the other end. When you share your story like you did in this comment, you are actively pushing any lie and any sense of shame away - all the burdens that we carry after being victim of someone else’s violence, while it should never be ours to feel this way.

Thank you for honoring us with your vulnerability and parts of your story. I hope you managed to take good care of yourself after watching this video. You matter, friend.