It was abt the time this song hit the charts it sp

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Belongs to: Therapist Reads the Diary of a Madman by Ozzy Osbourne
It was abt the time this song hit the charts it spoke VOLUMES to me after just remembering the mental, sexual, and physical abuse my then brother and after remembering it has haunted my mind . I honestly wish it had stayed in the past for me. Just remembering while typing this tears are rolling down my face. When said bother .i literally shed tears over it MANY after he times after he.was shot and killed. but after remembering I ahte that he died because I now have no closure of telling him how much he F ed me up.

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Hello friend,

Going through something so traumatic is one of the worst feelings in the world. Not to mention, that feeling of not having closure, because so many times when it comes to those traumatic experiences, we want at least SOME type of closure. There are many experiences, even recently that i’ve gone through that I know I never will get closure on, but I try to get as close as I can just by looking at other avenues, like writing things down, putting them into music, art, or anything really. Sometimes the closure we need is the success we can make for ourselves, knowing that despite their best efforts, they can’t bring us down. I hope you’re able to seek that, and we’re gonna be here for you every step of the way if you so choose <3

Hey there!

Thanks for writing in to Heart Support.

I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. Traumatic experiences are one of the heaviest things we can carry. & it is even heavier when you have the feeling of not having closure. We crave anything that can help us make sense of the pain & process the emotions behind it but there are some experiences where closure in the way we want it just doesn’t come. I’ve learned that while we can’t always control the outcome, we can control how we release it. We can’t change the cards we were dealt.
Have you tried exploring outlets that allow you to process what you’re feeling? Like any hobbies you’re into? Or anything you want to dabble in? Sometimes, putting those feelings into tangible can be the closest we get to peace. Have you tried speaking w/ a therapist? I feel like talking my trauma out w/ a stranger - no connection to my everyday life has helped me overcome a lot. The most powerful form of closure often comes from what you build for yourself. Even small steps count - finding little moments to reclaim your peace.
If you’re on that path, know you’re not alone.
We’re always here, to encourage & support you.

Take care of yourself.<3