It's been a while

So i haven’t posted anything on here for a while but idk what else to do so fuck it.
I’ve been doing extremely bad and tried to unalive myself a few days ago (obviously didn’t work) and i really wanna try again because everything just keeps getting worse but at the same time i want to be stopped i want to be able to live a normal life but no. i cant be cured. (my therapist told me she doesn’t think anything we’ve been trying is working (its not)) I’ll forever feel like this.


Hi Carlosz,

Im sorry you’ve been put in such a tough scenario. It can be especially hard when the people designated to help us have not been able to support us in the way we deserve. It’s important to remember that just because you have not found a solution yet does not mean that one is not out there. I have no doubt that when you keep going, you will eventually find the solution. It make take longer than we expect, but it is out there. Sending lots of love.



hi carlosz,
i’m so thankful you’re here - both on this forum reaching out for help as well as in this world still. it’s such an overwhelming pain when we feel like we’re drowning as things get worse and worse with no sign of a life-preserver or boat to rescue us.

i’m proud of you for making those leaps to get the care you need through therapy even if your therapist is lost on next steps. the journey is tiring, understandably so. a new perspective from a different therapist may bring a fresh approach to your healing journey so you can swim back to the top. and if it’s anything, know that your heartsupport community is lifting you to the surface as well. i believe in you to make it to the next day. a better tomorrow is on the horizon. so please, keep swimming. we world need you.


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Hey Carlosz,

I’m really sorry you’re going through this, and I’m glad you’re here and opining up to us about it. It sounds like you’ve been having an incredibly tough time, and feeling like nothing’s working is really disheartening. I understand the frustration of wanting things to get better but feeling like they never will.

You mentioned your recent attempt and feeling like you want to try again. I know things might feel hopeless right now, but I’m really glad you’re still here. Your desire to be stopped and to live a normal life is significant. Even if it feels like you can’t be cured, you deserve to have hope and a future where things can improve.

It’s tough when you feel like nothing’s working with your therapist. Finding the right combination of support can take time, and it’s understandable to feel stuck when progress seems slow. It doesn’t mean you won’t find a path that brings you some peace and relief, though. Sometimes adjusting the approach or finding a new perspective can help, even if it’s small steps at first.

If you haven’t already, consider reaching out to someone you trust, whether that’s a friend, family member, or another professional. You don’t have to carry this burden alone, and your feelings matter.

Please hold on, take it one day at a time, and lean on the people or places that make you feel seen and supported. Your life has value, and I’m rooting for you.

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