It's Time to Post something Positive

I usually only come here when things are going poorly, and I often post on the support wall, as this community has been one of the safest and most accepting of me (thank you all).

Things are not exactly going the best, BUT I have made so much progress since my last post on Heart Support that I think this is a moment to celebrate and focus on how much I’ve moved forward.

My last post was early this year - for a bit of background, I (26F) was living with a significant other (27M) who was mistreating me by gaslighting, starting fights, and manipulating me. We had been together 3 years, and the breakup that followed was the absolute worst I have EVER experienced. I’m still reeling quite a bit and battling with some PTSD after almost 5 months, but I have learned so much about myself.

This 5 months has been chaotic to say the least. I’ve been all over the place emotionally, and having a hard time finding interest in things lately. But I’m not letting go - I’m doing everything I can to keep myself up and my head held high. Doing things for yourself feels good, even if it feels dumb starting out.

I re-started therapy right after the breakup (have been on and off for almost 14 years when I’ve needed it), and it has been extremely helpful - I met the right therapist, and made a great connection, which helps me to be more transparent in sessions. Also, I successfully found a new apartment within one mile of my job, which means I could walk or ride my bike if I choose - yay! The company I work for has additionally been absolutely amazing, and completely understanding when I need time off to recoup mentally. They even know of my disabilities and allow me to work remotely part time - that was a battle to arrange, but I am SO PROUD that I stood up for myself in a professional setting/manner, as I was discouraged from doing this by my ex. I also managed to get myself to a doctor and discuss some important things that I let slide due to my ex’s health / life problems seeming “more important”. It has been refreshing to take care of myself again.

I’ve been pouring any negative energy into physical activities, which has been really rewarding - I went on 2 hiking trips, and visited my family’s cabin out in the mountains this summer, all of which really helped me to relieve some stress and gave me time to think and be introspective. My most recent hiking trip was this past weekend with my Dad - we hiked 26 miles on the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania (AKA Rock-sylvania), and I ended up with 6 blisters! It was well worth it for the peace of mind that came during the trip, even if only temporary.

I’ve also been making a point to spend a lot more time with my family - I know this isn’t possible for everybody, but if you have a family that cares about and loves you, be sure to thank them, because that’s a rare feat. I tend to take mine for granted, and I’ve been putting a little more effort in. They are so supportive and just grateful for my presence, which makes me feel loved and safe, even without a ‘partner’. Plus they feed me and let me do laundry for free :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

This is the first long stretch of time since high school that I have just stayed single - god do I have some codependency issues to work through. But I’m discovering that I’m AWESOME on my own?!?! I can do anything I set my mind to (within reason) and now I don’t have some controlling JERK telling me I can or can’t or should or shouldn’t. I’ve purged some “friends” with similar attitudes as well, and spending time with people in general has been a lot more positive since.

I’m also studying for a major certification in my career field - I sit for 3 exams in October, and I’m going to KICK ASS because I got me myself and I. I’m so proud to be coming into myself this way. It’s a painfully slow process, and I don’t like the situation that prompted the change, but I’m grateful to finally be starting MY life for ME (and my cats lol)

Anyway, I hope this brings some hope and inspiration to others. If anyone is out there struggling with similar situations, don’t give up! Keep going! You got this! You are doing the right things! You are awesome! You are LOVED! :heart:

Please enjoy a photo of my fur child, Mickey, snuggling with her blanket: