Ive been feeling anxious with college application

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Belongs to: Have you ever felt like it’s hard to reach out about your mental health or the struggles in your life?
Ive been feeling anxious with college application season coming up, and with the idea of graduating high school this year. It feels a bit overwhelming at times but I know its a natural part of life. Just wishing i had more control.

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@hollowfront Thank you so much man. This means a lot. I’ve been putting in the work and it’s all about to pay off!

@micro.mtn Thank you so much for this. it helped a lot.

@heartsupport Thank you so much for the encouragement. I am submitting an application this week and have found confidence in the midst of anxiety

@carla_smith_rn Thank you so much!

@rynmac11 thanks for sharing, dude! I know it seems stressful and overwhelming right now, but you’re gonna excel at whatever you put your mind to. The fact that you’re worried about it at all, just shows that you care. Sometimes anxiety can work in your favor. Just keep your eye on the prize and do the work. Congrats on your last year of high school. The rest of your life is calling!

@rynmac11 This is definitely a major life transition ahead for you, and it makes completely sense to feel overwhelmed by this perspective already. It is both going to be the end of an era - high school years, and often also all the many school years that took place before - which is in itself a grief to process. Then on the OTHER end, it’s college annd all that it represents. Adulthood, different repsonsibilities and commitments, a lot of things unknown that can appear very intimidating at first. It’s an important step, although as you said it’s a normal process to go through. Still, it’s okay to acknowledge the fact that it is particularly stressful to you - to be fair, it is to most people who have been through it! I remember that for me it felt like losing a part of my innocence/safety. Although I felt that way because I also didn’t know yet about the beautiful experiences I would still create after high school. the unknown is scary, and it’s okay to say it. I hope that you’ll be supported through it all and have people to walk alongside you during this transition. If anything, know you have friends at Heartsupport who are more than willing to encourage you through the rollercoaster of emotions that it can create. You’re not alone, and you will get through this - one step at a time. <3

@rynmac11 congratulations on such a big life transition!!! and on your upcoming graduation! I think often times anxiety comes at exciting times and it can be helpful to remember that your excited as well and with that excitement it’s totally normal to be a little nervous. you’re about to do something you’ve never done before and it might be a little scary, but it can also be really fun!! I think as you transition into anything new it’s important to give yourself an immense amount of grace as well as try to continue to hope for the best. I’ve found that often when I have the least control that’s where the most magic happens. All that to say, it makes sense that it feels a little overwhelming right now and I hope that you can find ways to be extra kind to yourself in the overwhelm <3

@rynmac11 This is a huge time in your life and it is always overwhelming during these difficult seasons. Just remember that this is what you have worked hard for and you’ve got this! Congratulations on graduating!