Ive-been-replaying-this-song-first-of-all-i-love-y - 2639

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Belongs to: Spiritbox - Jaded - Therapist Reacts
I’ve been replaying this song. First of all I love your reaction, felt like I was listening to it for the first time again but with a friend. And second, I started crying as soon as you went over the first line “I feel alone in my body”. Thank you for breaking this down!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Taylor nails it on this song doesn’t she? It truly does resonate when she talks about the lyrics this way. It sounds like you felt that too. It’s a great song with more meaning now. Thank you again for sharing.

Yeah - there’s something so resonant about this song, and to feel like in particular there’s something that strikes a chord with “feeling alone in my body” - 100%. It’s such an interesting experience feeling like your existence and your experience of it are totally disconnected - like externally you could experience interaction or connection with others, but it’s like there’s this gap that your heart or mind can’t cross to actually feel it, like there’s a wall that you can hear relationship going on on the outside of it, but it’s all muffled on the inside - like you get a sense that something is happening, but you’re still completely alone behind the stone. It’s so hard because the things that feel like they make sense to others or easy advice that others give - “just go and make friends” or “get out of the house” or things like that - it doesn’t solve the deep sense of loneliness inside. Because of that it feels unsolvable, hopeless. And that’s such a deep place of pain and despair to feel.

There’s definitely something that can hit deeply and strike a chord when it’s about this feeling of being alone in our body. It’s this acute realization how isolated you can be from others, even when you are sharing the same space, even when you’re surrounded by familiar and caring faces. There’s the “outside” world, and there’s everything that’s happening within… and for so many of us, what’s going on internally can feel so heavy, so hard to express and put into words, so hard to communicate about. And when you remove communication, you feel even more left alone with your own struggles. Many times in my life, but especially during times of high vulnerability, I’ve felt like going back to this strong separation between others and myself. As if I was stuck in a different room, seeing everything taking place around me, but being completely muted - or at the opposite feeling like it would be impossible to be heard. It’s like navigating being unnoticed over and over when everything inside of you is screaming for connection. And goodness it’s hard to feel unseen when we are hurting.

I hope that crying about this has been a good outlet for you and brought you some relief, even temporarily. Although unexpectedly relating to what is said in these videos can feel like a slap on the face at times, it’s also a healthy indicator of pains and wounds that deserve our attention. With this door that has been seemingly opened for you, there is potential to explore something difficult but worthy, and potentially feel like reconnecting with yourself and the world around you over time. I wish you a lot of peace moving forward. You matter, friend.