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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to KUJO BEAT DOWN by Ren
I’ve been sad because my education is messed up and I feel without it I won’t have anything.
This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.
Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to KUJO BEAT DOWN by Ren
I’ve been sad because my education is messed up and I feel without it I won’t have anything.
Hi There and thank you for opening up.
I am sorry you feel that way, and it is so true that sometimes we can feel down as our plans or hopes might get get at risk or now going as we hoped for. Especially when it comes to education.
I wont tell you what to do cause i know to little, but i know that education is something we can get during our whole life, and education is not always just schools and books… education can be done by ourselves on different matters, different topics. What is important for me is also experience, resilience, strength and perseverance.
So even if you missing some knowledge, you can learn, you can solve problems, you can find solutions. So for me education is not just the knowledge, but also the wisdom on how to go through problems, life, troubles and how to get most out of life based on what we need, what are our goals. For this, education is supportive, but not defining who we are, not defining who you are , and who you can become
I hope you find solutions to your troubles, on education or any other area of your life. It has much more to offer then we think and i am sure you will achieve your goals.