Ive dealt with depression for a long time like a b

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Solway Firth by Slipknot
I’ve dealt with depression for a long time like a bodily illness it comes and goes. Sometimes harder than others, but recently it’s been the worse. I lost my father last summer and I’ve been through the stages of grief repeatedly and have been having health issues myself. And I bury it at times with alcohol and drug abuse. I also am a musician and before music was my outlet to get out of my pain and frustration but lately its harder to connect to that creativity. The greatest thing is I do have people who love me and support me but they wont ever feel what I feel and that’s not their fault. This pain is something that I have to fight internally by being better to myself externally. Never give up the chance to be happy and healthy. That’s what living is for. Thank you for this video.


VERY well said!

And I totally get where you’re coming from too. I’m also a musician, and when you use it as an outlet, those emotions can get bottled up when you dont have the motivation or drive to get those out. One thing that I always did when I got in those moods was to just jot stuff down in a notebook. Anything I felt, whether it be words, pictures, random thoughts, just getting it down helps.

I’m so happy you have a support system too. <3


“I have to fight internally by being better to myself externally”.
This will sit with me for a long time. Through your pain and hurt, through your creative block, you have pushed to not only be kind to yourself, but have set a reminder and example to others who are hurting and struggling that this is possible.
Betterment of self isn’t an easy path.

Sometimes the things that shape us are just so inflamed with all the pain and sorrow and grief. Those who are closest to us may not know how it feels, but there’s a solidarity in knowing we never truely walk alone.

Thank you for sharing your hurt and grief with us and thank you for sharing your bravery and resilience with us.

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Hi Friend,

First of all, I want you to know that I do notice you, and your strength in sharing your journey is visible for all to see. Dealing with any form of mental health, whilst battling through the loss of a loved one so close to you, is tough. This challenge may often feel like an uphill battle, defined to fail, but keep pushing through, because healing is the prize. However, I do know that navigating through the stages of grief can feel like an endless cycle of heartache.

It’s understandable that you’ve turned to alcohol and drugs as a means of coping, but I want to remind you that there are healthier ways to confront your pain. Seeking solace in your music is a beautiful outlet, although I understand that lately, even that has become a struggle. Please know that it’s okay to feel disconnected from your creativity at times; it doesn’t diminish your talent or passion. Every musician will have times where their passion runs thin, and they will end up questioning their ability. That’s okay, but what matters is that you never give up.

You’re absolutely right that the love and support of others, while invaluable, can never fully alleviate the depth of your pain. However, their presence in your life is a beacon of hope, a reminder that you are not alone in this fight. And while the journey toward healing may seem daunting, remember that every small step you take toward being kinder to yourself is a victory worth celebrating.

Your resilience shines through your words, and I believe in your ability to find light amidst the darkness. Keep holding onto the belief that happiness and health are within your reach, even on the darkest of days. You are deserving of love, healing, and peace, and I’m rooting for you every step of the way.

With enormous love :people_hugging:

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