Ive never felt so connected to a reaction video as

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Belongs to: Slaughter to Prevail - Demolisher Reaction
I’ve never felt so connected to a reaction video as I have yours. As a 24 year military vet, with 24 years service in the Infantry, I always feel like an outsider. This hit hard, I’ve never ugly cried in my kitchen before. Your description and breakdowns hit different. Thank you!!!

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First, thank you for stepping up and serving, I appreciate you.
I get where you are coming from with feeling like an outsider. Being different from everyone around me had me feeling like I did not belong anywhere.
But you know what? To me you are not different, you are unique and special. Don’t demolish yourself to fit the world, Taylor nailed it, demolish the thoughts that you need to be a certain way. Let the world change to fit you. Keep on being you, be the best you that you can be, and don’t let the cookie cutter people drag you down.
Thank you for opening up and sharing, I wish you all the best on your journey through life my friend.
