Ive never recovered its not only the belief but th

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I’ve never recovered… It’s not only the belief but the fact that she is. It’s been years and every day just gets harder and harder. I pretend everything is okay but it’s been killing me from the inside out ever since she left… I’ll never love the same, I’ll never feel the same, I’ll never be the same. She truly has left my heart empty and it yearns for her to come back and fill that space again…


Hey there,
I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. I’ve been there too. I have had major break ups too, and man oh man, they ruined me in the moment. I was crying and depressed. Screaming for them to come back. Cursing them for not heeding those cries. And most of all, I was just angry and confused. Like why me, what did I do, do I deserve this? And it’s hard. Break ups are never easy. But the thing is, it will get better! I know you have probably heard this saying before, but really it will. Time heals all and if you allow yourself that time to heal, you will move on. You should never forget the relationship. It has given you insight into what you want, what you need, and who you are. Every relationship, romantic or not, gives us a lesson to learn and we can take something away from it for the future.

I hear you and your struggles, and I’m sorry to hear you feel each day is a battle. But is not a fight you should feel you have to fight alone. There are people out there who are there for you to hear your struggles and heartache. Know you are never alone, people love you and care for you. Things are hard now, and I know you feel like time is only making things worse, but allow yourself the time to heal and grieve. Losing someone in a relationship is like losing someone who has passed on. You grieve the loss of that person. What could have happened, why it didn’t happen, why what happened did happen, and why to you. But just know, that this grieve stage will pass.

I know things seem rough now, but there is a light at the end of this tunnel. You will get through this. You are so strong. You are seen, you are heard, you are loved!

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Hey there,

First off I just want to say thank you for being open with us here. We appreciate it and do not take it for granted.

I know loss well, we may not be speaking in the same way, but I understand to an extent the way you feel.

When I was experiencing losses, I did not take time to address my feelings and thoughts. I held it in, and let it build up. Now I have worked through some things, but I still have much to do.

I know how it feels in those moments, even as time has passed, how it can feel like it will never get better, but I promise you it can with work and time. It’s ok to have these feelings, but please know it can get better, it is possible to work through this.

I believe that when we share how we feel and what we have been through it helps others feel less alone, so thank you for being open with us here.

There are people who’ll listen, and people who care.

Keep holding on.
