Jake Luhrs reacts to Alpha Wolf - Sucks 2 Suck (feat. Ice-T)

What’s good Jake…

I really admire you, Jake. I’m not a person of faith myself, but your humanity and kindness is as clear as day. And like you show in this video, you expressing relatability to things that would VERY LIKELY be talked-down upon by many other people (not all) within something like the Christian faith…(the ICE-T moment lmao)…idk. You don’t see that very often. All of this is to say, thank you for being YOU…a very genuine human being, and I appreciate ya.

“angry music for happy people” is such an accurate thing. i hope that the reactions dont stop, its nice seeing someone big in the scene whos such a genuine dude reacting to stuff.

Ice T got his own metal band called Bodycount. In fact they dropping a new single this friday called Phycopath.

Thanks for sharing brother, loved watching this at 2:00 AM after doing loads of college lol

Ice-T was in a metal band called body count before his career took off as a rapper. Please check out body count - point the finger

So glad you’re reacting to all these songs Jake. Love you so much my dude. :heart::heart::heart:

I can relate. I was bullied a lot by my neighbors who I tried to be friends with initially. The bullying got so bad I’d be afraid to go outside sometimes. As I got into my teens I practiced martial arts and started body building. They were humbled just by my change so they never messed with me anymore. Also taught me the responsibility of “power” if you will. Anyway, awesome band and song!

I know this isn’t the heart of this review but it breaks my heart the backlash you received in that season. As a Christian myself, my heart goes out to you man wish love and care was what was shown in that time. I am so thankful for the continued force that you bring to the scene through ABR and Heartsupport.

Buttoned up the shirt, but didn’t roll down his sleeves :thinking:

Not my favorite Alpha Wolf song. I feel like the Ice-T performance was phoned in, almost like they paid for a Cameo shoutout. I mean, he didn’t even rap, just talked.

I can relate. I was married for 12 years and got a divorce, with two kids. Thankfully my ex and I are on really good terms, it was a mutual decision. We co-parent the kids. the only thing her and I want to make sure of is that the kids remain strong through the whole thing. The boys seeing their mom and I remain very good friends has really helped the transition for them. The hardest thing is sometimes they get sad when it is time to switch parents. They wonder why we can’t just be together. Great reaction to the video, Jake! we appreciate it!

What we see: ALPHA WOLF :wolf::rage:
What Jake sees: alpha woof :dog: :nerd_face:

I don’t know how much you pay your editor, but he needs a raise :laughing: the cutaways kill me every time haha

Day 3 of Asking For: “Death Empress” by Synestia And Disembodied Tyrant

Awesome song! :metal:t2::metal:t2:

I can imagine the crowd going wild during their live performances🔥

Spotify algo worked well for me recommending alpha wolf few weeks ago. Had their new album on repeat and definitely at the gym too.

Should check out King810 conversation with God is a good one or La Petite Mort its paints a much different perspective on things that others don’t think about but along the lines of what Ice T was talking about.

“Not gonna penetrate me” qourenof the year. Duck am you and abr are goated!!!