Just a Bad poem

Tell me my dear am I insane
Is everything alright with my brain
Oh no worries I know its not
That detail I have not forgot

It gives me pain it gives me sorrow
I dont know what it will give tomorrow
Maybe some fear mixed with hate
Asking questions about my fate

People say this battle aint lost
But I must ask at what cost
Everything does have its price
This might turn my heart to ice

To put it simply I cant give up
For clarity may still show up
But its not here and I am still fighting
Hopelessly this poem writing.


It’s a lovely poem. You have all my respect for still fighting despite the absence of hope. I’m glad you’re here. You’re loved. :hrtlegolove:

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Dear @Ashwell, this is beautiful. We build hope during the darkest and most challenging times. I hope for you to feel peace in your heart today. Could it be found in silence, the feeling of the wind or the sun on your skin, the warmth of your morning coffee or even a powerful music.

I’m grateful for you. :hrtlegolove:

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Hopelessly writing, but then again with purpose. Thank you for sharing your work and this part of you.

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I feel this, very lovely poem, it may be hopless now, but it won’t be one day. The cost is is your potential to succeed. We shouldn’t have to fight for our lives or our happiness, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to win. You can do this.

-System Irigiad

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I really like your poem. I love the way the lyrics flow <3

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