Just need some help getting to sleep tonight

So K, for those of you who don’t know her, is a very close friend of mine. She just sent me this. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I know you’d be like “don’t be” but that doesn’t matter I still was every time despite your comment. I guess the biggest thing I’m sorry for is how I treated you. I was hurtful, harsh, toxic and definitely abusive. And I know it. That’s what makes all of it true. Every time I hurt you, I knew I was. I even used some stuff that my dad would use. The fact that you never knew only continued to make it worse. I knew that the only way for you to be safe was to be away from me. And you’d never leave. And I can’t bare the thought of being away from you and knowing that. I guess you can say I’m selfish for what’s about to happen. Please call me every word that describes how much you hate me. I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for ruining everything, for ruining 2 years of it. I love you [Me] and I’m sorry that I do.” I’m very shaken by this and scared of what could happen. She’s had some suicidal thoughts recently which just makes this so much more concerning. What she said about herself couldn’t be farther from the truth. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost her. I don’t know how I’ll get to sleep tonight. Any support will be appreciated so much. I’ll make a new post once whatever happens happens.

Update : So she’s talking to me about it, she says the world won’t let her go, but she wants to. I’ve tolde some of her friends about what’s going on and we’re considering calling her mom (that was the reply I deleted)

Update 2 : We’re on a call. I think I’m getting through to her.

Update 3 : She’s going to get some rest somewhere safe. I think I did it. Her mom will probably check on her in the morning


Hey @MA10,

How are you doing since this happened? Are you hanging in there?

Somehow, the fact your friend sent you this message shows how much she trusts you. But that’s a really heavy and distressing message, indeed. If you ever need to talk about it, feel always free to let your thoughts out. I’m glad you were able to talk together. It can be hard to know what to do or say in this situation, but it sounds that you did the right thing and managed to reassure her. You’re a good friend. Now I hope you managed to get some rest too. Take care. :heart: