Just one of those days :(

A rough day it is for me. Such a minor thing I’m sure compared to many and probably not worthy of even posting, but I just need some encouragement. Some motivation. I went from having a miserable hockey game last night to getting 3 hrs of sleep, to being miserable this morning, to getting harassed by my colleagues, to getting told that appearance triumphs work ethic in a “professional” environment (which I hate this idea and hate that it’s how the majority of society thinks) All while tryna just keep it cool since I’m at work and when I feel like this my productivity dies. So I’m left just feeling like a pile of poop. Anyway hope you guys have a good day and good week.

Dragging a bit here myself, it’s funny how sleep totally throws everything off for humans, isn’t it - especially when it’s a continuous loss of sleep.

Anywho, don’t let one off set day get you down too much. Tell yourself that this isn’t permanent - those arsehats don’t know you or what you’ve been through in the last 24hrs, and you ultimately are more professional given your worth ethic.

Professionalism is a combination of both - you can correct your appearance (when you feel better - if it’s honestly a dress code thing) a lot easier whereas their work ethic is going to take a lot more correction! :slight_smile:

Ride the wave - this too shall pass. Go home and eat a good meal and get some rest. I hope your next hockey game is great and that your day improves with a little bit of reframe.

<3 DrDy.


I think everyone has days, moments, week, & months like that. Our society is filled with sooo much pressure 2 constantly move and or advance. Then there is social media’s like Instagram where people post fake wonder lives, loving families, desirable bodies, etc. It makes u reflect on what u have or don’t have; then u feel u need 2 more giving unconscious pressure, anxiety, depression etc. It’s a lot friends. Just know that ur not alone I feel it 2! Find ur passion & if u hate ur job look 4 another first then quit! If hockey feels like a chore u hate stop playing & find something else. For me I got back into professional fish keeping aquariums, painting & music! Drop friends that bring u down or stress you out, and even eat they food u love. I’m totally here if u need a moment 2 vent cuz i totally get it.

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