Just some self reflection

It’s now been a week since my first therapy session where my therapist helped me realize that my negative inner voice, which I had been fighting for too long, was really just a part of myself that is trying to protect me from life’s downfalls. It made me sad, brought me to tears, because I felt like I was treating that part, and therefore myself, unfairly.

It’s been a week and I’ve had some surprising results. My sleep quality immediately got better. My blood pressure (usually elevated in spite of my best efforts, not including therapy since I only recently got health insurance) immediately dropped 6 points. I’ve been generally more positive lately and it’s been a little easier for me to express myself.

I still feel that part getting scared once in a while. I try to figure out what is causing the fear and if it’s rational or what I can/can’t do to fix it. Sometimes it works and that part quiets down, but sometimes it doesn’t and those are usually bad sleep nights.

I am satisfied so far with my progress and I am okay with still dealing and working through my negative thoughts. I am going to make another appointment for next week but I’m not sure when.

Thanks for reading, I just felt like sharing with people I know are familiar with anxiety and therefore would appreciate the small steps and can celebrate with me. I appreciate everyone here at Heart Support; I’m glad to have everyone in my life.


It’s still so amazing to hear aboit your progress, @Sapphire. Thank you for sharing it and for the trust you put in this community. :heart:

It’s been a week and I’ve had some surprising results. My sleep quality immediately got better. My blood pressure (usually elevated in spite of my best efforts, not including therapy since I only recently got health insurance) immediately dropped 6 points. I’ve been generally more positive lately and it’s been a little easier for me to express myself.

Wow! That’s some freaking amazing changes, especially in regards of your blood pressure. Words are not enough to express how glad I am to hear that! I hope this helps to feel more rested these days. Sounds like your body needed it. Just like the tears. I’ve been told recently by my doctor that this is a kind of emotional purge", a good sign that something positive is happening - even if it’s uncomfortable.

It’s impressive to realize how our body and our mind are connected though. Those are definitely some positive changes for your health. You’re doing great.

I hope you take some time to enjoy and celebrate this recent progress! I hope you’re proud of what you’re doing to heal and take care of yourself, emotionally and physically. Maybe you weren’t always treating yourself this way, but you are now. It’s beautiful.

Again, that’s so, so awesome. :hrtlovefist:


That’s such a good insight! You can’t fail if you don’t try, so if your mind convinces you that you’ll fail, then you won’t try and you won’t fail. Thank you so much for sharing this.

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Yea, this is one of my big struggles. My perfectionism and my big fear of failing, in which case I usually have to spend a lot of time psyching myself up to even try because I’m so scared that I was fail. That will probably take more time to work out.

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