Please keep me in your thoughs I apply for 3 jobs I’m think im going apply for 2 more
Hey @Jaceofspade good luck! I hope you get the job you want! Let us know how it goes!
Hold Fast,
Hannah Presley
@Jaceofspade - Thoughts and good vibes being sent your way! You got this!!
Thank you so much Eric HOLD FAST buddy
Thank you Alway_seeking_4137 HOLD FAST buddy
UPDATE:No replys back yet im waiting still friday so that give them a week and ill call ask about a update on the jobs
That’s a good idea to wait a couple days before calling back for an update. That’s awesome, best of luck!
So I got asked by a staff on campus if i wanted to go a job fair so i’m going kinda scared and nervous I’m going try to dress up clothes that gender neutral
@Jaceofspade Hey, job fairs can be really fun, you’re going to have a good time and probably learn a lot. I hope you have a good time.
Hold Fast, friend.
AWESOME I am also in the job searching pool. just apply for everything. remember that you may get 30 no’s until you get a yes. SO never give up my friend keep us updated on the job search and you will seriously be in my prayers