Kinda heavy dont read if you are one of those peop

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Belongs to: HeartSupport
kinda heavy dont read if you are one of those people this is the first time i say anything to anyone about it i dont even know where to start well i rather getting kidnaped(16yold me) by 3 old man taking turns and grape me again and get my mother back she died 44 days ago from cancer it was so fast dr where like shes gonna be ok… f this life i cant even eat the chop suey(su…d) i dont want to do that to my family i live in 3rd world things are worst here no money leaching of my dad he is old school and ashamed of me so i cant bring myself to hurt him more and tell him rather he thinks im a leach and dissapointed in me same with brother and sister i guess i be misserable until the day comes maybe i be free again all i know i cant do it myself so many things went wrong for me i guess my bad mostly but music keeping me alive so far hope 1 day i can feel and enjoy cup of tea or breez or whatever this is getting too long shit im a 34y old walking dead i guess sry if i made you sad -_-no im not sry you need to know whats going on in the fking world step out of ur buble now and then


Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

I dealt with a lot of pain in my life and witness several bad thing from my closed loved ones. Your story doesn’t bother, I loved to help others that want support. Being kidnapped and raped from three old man is awful and traumatizing. I wish I can give you hug that is super sad.

It’s nasty what does three old men did to you. I feel like most countries in the world don’t understand about women or men getting rape. There are mental & physical health consequences. Just remember that your mom loves in heaven. She would be upset that you feel sad all the time. Not everyone will get along with their family. No family is perfect! My family is a mess but sometimes we got to apologized and understand each other.

Your dad sounds toxic to be with. I could understand why you didn’t want to discuss issues with your dad. Do you communicate with your siblings about the rape & kidnapped? Sometimes it’s nice to talk with others to feel better. There is nothing shameful for someone to say that they went through something horrible. Don’t be so harsh to yourself.

Music is the best remedy for me when I feel down sometimes. It helps feel less stress and reflect my life. Most adults don’t know what they are doing with their life. Also, I feel the same way. I believed some day that you could be free. If you want to move out, Do you have any closed friend or relative to live with? The home situation is making you stress out.

I’m proud of you being brave and posting to the wall forum of HeartSupport. I told all of users that the stuff you post on the wall forum from HeartSupport didn’t waste my time at all. You have the right to vent anything to me. I will try my best to listen & support you. This post didn’t make me feel sad at all.

Hi there! I just want to say that you are so strong. Thank you so much for sharing and being so open with us. You are heard. You are respected. And you are loved here. You have been through so much, and you are going through so much now. Your strength is admirable and please know that it is not going unnoticed. You didn’t deserve any of this. But you do deserve a future of love and happiness. We are here for you. And we’ll always be here for you :heart:


I’m glad you had the courage to reach out. Being able to discuss things of this nature is a battle in it of itself. We’re here to listen and support you. You did not deserve your circumstance. You do deserve peace and happiness. We will always be here to support you. Sending love.

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Sorry for your loss of your mother. I had my mother pass from cancer a number of years ago; and there is certainly room for grief there. Please allow that for yourself. Although, with the past trauma; it certainly can make things more challenging. Understand that in yourself and be kind and gentle to yourself.
And you deserve that regardless of “others”.

I hope in the process; you will be able to, at some point when you are ready; to appreciate the breeze or a bird singing.
(My mother always liked watching hawks soar; to this day; when I see a hawk it makes me feel she is with me.)
You do matter and you do have value.


hey there,

thank you for being here and opening up about the trauma and hardships you’ve faced throughout your life. i’m thankful you’re here, both in these youtube comments and in this world. your pain is seen and heard and i’m proud of you for speaking up for your experiences. for you to be vulnerable about the struggles this world places people through is admirable - no need to ever apologize for that. when it comes to your mother’s death, i am so sorry for your loss and hope you allow yourself the grace and patience throughout your grief. with how you described the speed of her cancer and death, i’m sure there was so much whiplash and a jumble of emotions. everything you feel, all the emotions you experience are valid. please know this heartsupport community is always here to listen to and encourage you through anything. you aren’t alone and you are so valued. thank you again for being here.


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