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Lately I’ve been struggling with the thought that I’m not good enough and if there was something different about me and the way I looked i might not feel so lonely.

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Hi. Thank you for tagging @heartsupport

Most people have felt this way at some point. You can’t change who you are; you can try to be the best version of yourself possible. It’s a cliche, but a person worth spending time with will be attracted to you, not your looks.

If you are struggling with being your best self, why not look into getting some support with it?

HeartSupport is always here for you. :hearts:

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When our inadequacies feel out of our control, it’s exhaustingly hopeless. Feels like wanting, hoping for better, for acceptance, for love is just a joke. An exercise in futility. But you can’t stop your heart from wanting, so it’s just this constant tearing / agony.

Hey friend. Thank you so much for opening up about this, especially as feeling that way is an incredibly lonely place to be. For most of my life, and especially during my teenage years, I have felt the same way regarding my physical appearance and weight. Being a very anxious and introverted person, it’s always been difficult to connect with others and maintain good relationships with people. I thought for a long time that if my body was different, I would feel more confident and be a lot more accepted, if not seen. It’s this conclusion that we tell ourselves: if I am lonely, then there must be something wrong about me, therefore I must change it… me. But in itself it is also such a destructive pattern to be lost in. There is also a matter of self-confidence there that plays a huge role. Sometimes, we direct the issue against our body while there is no problem with it. I obviously don’t know you but I have absolutely no doubt that you are perfect just as you are. Love, unconditional love doesn’t know limits such as our physical appearance. It’s about who we are, being seen, cared for and respected for who we are. Sometimes, the very first place we need to learn to find it though, is within ourselves – in the way we perceive ourselves, in the narration we tell ourselves about our worth and value as a human being. You are good enough just as you are. Learning to perceive yourself that way is a learning process that may be challenged by what life brings onto your path. But I wholeheartedly believe in you, in your ability to get there, and to progressively unfold/see the jewels of life that are held within you. <3

You are definitely good enough! Being comfortable with yourself is the key. You shouldn’t have to change who are to make yourself more appealing to others. Being yourself will bring you true happiness, just may take a bit of patience but you will get there!