Limited Resources

I’m new here. But, I am having trouble connecting with others on this specific topic. Due to so many shutdowns/lock downs, mental health resources that I have used, like regular therapy appointments and crisis resources are very limited. I have been stuck in my house, mostly alone, with my thoughts. I frequently have trouble sorting out my own thoughts but it seems that all of this is making things more difficult. I do have people in my life who say that they love and care for me, but I do not reach out anymore because I know that these times are hard for everyone else. I am trying my best to stay distracted, but am having trouble doing so. Does anyone have any suggestions or feel the same way?


Hey friend, I hear ya. These are definitely unprecedented we’re living in right now, and we’re all doing our best to stay safe and stay healthy. Unfortunately some of those things are being cut short right now due to the state public health and it’s concerning for sure. I would definitely encourage you to reach out to loved ones in times like these, yes they’re hard for everyone but that is even better reason in my opinion to keep in touch and stay connected, even if it’s just to chat.

Another great thing about HeartSupport is you can receive a free trial with the online counseling service BetterHelp on the resources page:
Could be worth looking into if you think that would be helpful at all for your situation.

Hang in there friend, we’ll get through this. Hold fast!


Hi @InkedUpNurse,

We’re going through a weird season and somehow it makes us look after the resources we have and those we’re missing. This new context impacts our habits, for sure, and maybe we’ll have to handle more things by ourselves. It is possible though. And it’s really positive to hear that you’re looking after that.

I have been stuck in my house, mostly alone, with my thoughts. I frequently have trouble sorting out my own thoughts but it seems that all of this is making things more difficult.

You can certainly try to reflect on yourself at first and see what has been helpful to you in the past, or what you need the most right now. Don’t hesitate to make a list of all the things that happen to be helpful in your life because you might be able to use them during the lockdown. Do you have any hobbies? What are the things you enjoy in your life or help you to relax? When I need to sort out my thoughts, I find writing and exercising helpful. It allows you to just let this flow in your mind to reveal itself while you’re in physical movement.

Besides, maybe you’ll need to build some healthy habits or focus on maintining those that you already have. Adding some moments in your day when you just breathe and relax can be important. Also maybe staying informed but not too much, as it can increase some anxiety if we’re too focused on that. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule as well.

I am trying my best to stay distracted, but am having trouble doing so. Does anyone have any suggestions or feel the same way?

It’s not necessarily about having to distract yourself, but maybe creating some balance between expressing how you feel in healthy ways and taking care of yourself through daily actions. You don’t have to avoid how you feel, but it has to be acknowledged with caution, for sure. There are times for this. Just like there are times to relax. What about making regular “self-checkups” in the day, so you can see how you feel, then decide what you’re going to do, in regards of what you need at the moment? It may be a bit artificial at first, but it’s kind of the things that comes more naturally with time.

If you’re interested by meditation, I’d like to recommend you a “game”/tool available on Steam and which name is “Playne”. I personally struggle with doing that kind of thing on a regular basis, but this game helped me to improve that a little. It also helped me to work on my anxiety and overwhelming thoughts.

Also, know that you can join the community on Discord: Discord You can discuss there more directly and also see when there are live Twitch streams. It can be a great opportunity to connect with others and feel less alone. :heart:

Finally, don’t forget that you can still have a walk outside, as long as you respect the recommandations that are applied in your country. It’s really important to go out and breathe some fresh air, also to enjoy the sunlight if the weather allows it. :sunny:

I do have people in my life who say that they love and care for me, but I do not reach out anymore because I know that these times are hard for everyone else.

If you feel the need to talk about how this situation makes you feel, know that there’s nothing wrong with it and no need to censor yourself. You can always communicate in a way that is respectful of everyone’s boundaries. It’s important to stay in touch with your beloved ones though. Even just to share some news. It is a hard time for everyone, you are right. And that is why we need each other even more than before. :heart:

You’ll be okay, friend. Sending love your way. :heart:

Hi there… Sorry your feeling that way. I can say I have felt the same way a lot of times… Can’t figure out things or make decisions makes me go back and forth back and forth… You are lucky to have people who care but reaching out to them is hard or impossible… You don’t want to burden them or have them think you are weak… I get that :100: percent… Reaching out here has helped me a bit, knowing that others feel the same way makes me feel no so far away… Just keep talking and maybe say something nice to help someone here … helping others sometimes helps you …