Living like this

Hi Heartsupport Fam
Before you read this please know that the following may be included TW: self harm, suicidal thoughts, threats from roommate, negative talk, childhood abuse (sexual and physical).

I am sure that no one else but myself can solve the issue at hand but right now my mind and judgement on it all is telling me there is only one way and that way is not a good way. Just under 2 years ago I moved in with at the time my partner. Stuff went smoothly for just about a year or so and than began to fall apart horribly. It was as if the true colors of him were falling off in shades that I hadnt seen. Started with just anger issues that were very not controlled. Than got worse with him being very disrespectful to me directly. It had become finally physical well about 2 months ago we decided to split and just reside in the same home. It was going okay with tough moments. But nothing too hard on either side. Well today might have just pushed me beyond what I can handle. To a spot where all I want is to know that it will be okay but I cant see that and have no hope for it. If it wasnt for the fact that I have a friends dog to get to them in August and than my elderly dog jake whom doesnt entirely have a full plan for his safety this wouldnt be the post I would be making. I would be making my final goodbyes. I was so close to just doing that this morning. The world around me has become out of control that when I want to feel safe I cant. I feel like I am back with people in my family who at the smallest of things would become angry and it didnt end safely. I just want to feel comfortable to believe I am okay and not going to be hurt. I would like so badly to know that I am not a burden because of all my health issues or the fact that I dont make much like others because I am disabled. I dont want to continue to fight for what just keeps being this. Living right now is more of a battle than it feels worth. My shell that was hold me has become cracked and I am struggling to fix it. I also know that right now it has become super hard to move forward with all my other trauma. I had been healing from it and now I feel like I am back to a ground I wasnt before.
Earlier in the week I broke almost a 3 year streak of self harm free. And now it is like what point does it have. What point do I stop trying to fix me and let the broken piece be the broken pieces that make up this very broken human. My dog today whom is trained to help me curled in my lap when my friend came and took us to her home and just didnt know how to comfort me to help me in the moments she was feeling bad that she cant be the protector from what hurts me. She helps me with so much and in the moments of tears and fears she couldnt fix it. It breaks me to think that the effect this is having on her or my other dog to see me breaking to the point of shaking because of someone.

If you made it here I am sorry for the likely of a mess post this is. But right now I am still fighting the desire to just say fuck it and leave behind everything. But than I see the people who love and care but cant physically do anything. But that need to do something is what is hard. I am fighting for so much and fighting myself. The battle my mind is standing behind is basically one side saying its just not worth it any more you have tried for this long has it gotten better to an extent that stuff is good enough. Like ya you can say hey this is bad but atleast you have kova or you can act like it is okay in the moment but inside its not any less. The other side is the it will get better today is just a tough day and look at who you have the friends, the wonderful therapist, the dogs that love you, its a good life it might be hard but it is good. Its almost like a chart of good and bad. And as of late the bad is out weighing the good. I talk so much to try and help others and be there for those I can how I can. But again I myself am broken too. Thank you for reading this.
A broken hurt


Hello Ash my dear friend :heart:
I knew you had a very bad day today but I had no idea until recently that it was THIS bad bad. And yes your day has been absolutely terrible, there is no going around it. Your roommate is an absolute asshole. Sometimes it pains us very much that we think we see somebody as a good person and they turn out to be a horrible person instead. It leaves us hurt and with unanswered questions like: Were they always like this? Did they change? Was the person in the beggining just a lie? I am sorry you have gone through what you have. Its very hard. I am glad that your friend was there to help you, even though they did not know how to comfort you. I also struggeled to comfort you today the way you needed to. But thats nothing to blame yourself for Ash. Some situations are just bad and there simply isnt a magical sentence or a piece of advice that will make them better. You are a wonderful friend that I care about and I will continue caring about you. So please dont blame yourself that is absolutely not your fault at all :wink:

Ask you are one of the most wonderful people I know. And no that is not an exaggeration. I appreciate you very much. I have learned a lot from you and I have a lot of trust and respect for you. You are dealing with so much stuff that it is unbelievable. Its absolutely understandable you have your downs, because you are really dealing with a lot and it is in no way your fault. Your roomate is at fault here because instead of being a supportive and responsible person he is just making things worse and willingly so. They are the bad guy in this story not you. I am very sorry you had such a bad experience with a person you cared about.

I know what you are saying Ash. I certainly can realate to it. Sometimes we can list all the good things we have. The friends, the therapist, the dogs… all of them and they just dont seem enough. Then we can list all the bad too and it seems overwhelming. In ancient Greece one of the philosophers (I think it was Platon but I am not sure) said that it is foolish to determine if life is or is not worth living by simply listing all the good and bad and seeing if there is more good or the bad and I think he was right. In life there is A LOT of bad. Some have it more bad then others but everyone has a lot on their tables. You my friend especially. And right now yes the bad might outweigh the good, but it might not bee this way in the future.

If you think about what happened today it really looks bad and it absolutely is but there is a spark of good there too. There is too much of your roommates bullsh-t. Its time for a change. What that change is going to look like? We dont know now but there is going to be a change for the better because this was simply too much. There are going to be tough days but they are aiming for something. A better life in a better place. Where you wount be botherered but some abusive :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:.

I care about you Ash and seeing you in so much pain and distress pains me too. I really really wish for you to find a good place where you will be happy and at peace away from all the bad and ungrateful people that dont see you for the wonderful person you are. We are here for you when you need us just as you are here for us. You are loved Ash. You are loved very much :heart:


Hi there,
I hope you can find a safe spot to stay, where you are not subjected to the negative attitude and memories that living with your roommate no doubt contributes to.

You deserve to be safe, and to be appreciated. I am so sorry that things are all crashing down on you right now and I’m glad the dogs are there to remind you that you are needed and loved. You are worthy, friend.

I’m glad you’re here with us, you are valued and valuable, just as you are. And no-one should ever make you feel like you’re “less” than anyone else. You’re loved and you matter.


Hallos Ash! Aces here first of all I think a lot of people in Heartsupport need to thank you for all you’ve done, I know I do. It’s heart-shattering seeing you suffer you’re such a wonderful person. Suicide is
A permanent term for a temporary problem and is definitely not the answer, you’re roommate sounds like an absolute A-hole. You deserve to be safe, Respected, and treated nicely. I’m glad you are here with us and you are 100% loved by Swat 1 and Heartsupport <3

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Hey disabledmetalfan,

Megs_26 responded to your post today live on stream with some wonderful words of encouragement and support!

Here is a link to the video from stream you can watch anytime you want or need too.


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Friend, Thank you for your post, I am so very sorry that this happend to you, it sounds like a dreadful time, its been a couple of days since you left to go to your friends place how are you feeling now? I hope you have managed to get some rest, you have been able to calm down and take some time to clear your head a bit. Its so hard to gain any perspective when you are right in it so getting away was a very smart move. It saddens me that so much has happened to you, you do not deserve so much sadness, you are such a beautiful human being, you deserve nothing but happiness and fulfillment in your life. I hope that when things settle that, that is exactly what you and your lovely doggies get. You are loved more than you know by so many. Much Love Lisa. x



Hi Friend, I’m glad that your friend came to get you and I hope that you can start feeling better being in a different environment. ~Mystrose


Thank you all for the replies. For those of you who dont entirely have all the knowledge my expartner/ roommate on wednesday threatened me over two monitors that were apart of my computer set up. It threw me into a horrible situation. Ashwell knew about that part. I was not in a good place because like I dont worry about it being a bad situation or worth any thing to me. I am already trying to find a place to move too but sadly the market is very limited in my area at the cost I can afford. I do not make enough at all to afford many places and at this point I dont know what else to do. Sadly no my friend is living in an already packed home so she can not help in that way we have tried every thought.



Im sorry Ash, thats terrible that your ex threatened you, I am so sorry that happened. Its not easy to pack up and move at any time but when you are desperate to get out of a situation it must feel like you are trapped and thats so sad. Its a very expesive process. I do not know much about this sort of thing and obviously I wouldnt want any more trouble to come your way but is there no way you can get your ex out of the home? It seems wrong that you should be the one having to have the worry of the moving. You know you always have our support behind you even if we are not physically there with you. XX


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