Lobrowatch Fan #10

I recently purchased a new reptile rack system, because my passion is breeding leopard geckos. My father said that it was a waste of money. But I told him that it’s an investment into a passion and hobby. I still feel like my hobby isn’t worth it to him.

My parents and many people I know feel the same way. Just remember that you’re already winning half the battle by knowing what you like and are passionate about. That’s worth something, what many of us are still looking for. As long as you want it for yourself, what others think is just a small side thing, not something I really care about. The best people in life will respect whatever it is that you like as well, I hope you find your tribe soon :frowning:

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I hope you find this helpful, my friend :slight_smile:

-brian - mydaddycangame


I would like to thank you for the kind words and support. I am the original poster of the message, I just made the account after I posted that to the heart support wall. You are correct in that I look up to my father, and my mother for guidance and love. I think that my father might be confused in the sense that it was only my first time breeding and I ended up with only one gecko hatchling this year. But now that I know how to time things out, and know how it all works through the process of failure and learning from those failures. He assumes that I’ll only end up with one or two babies again next year, even though I know what I’m doing now, and I think I can get at least 6 babies that I can sell to good homes.
I feel like he was concerned about my current living situation, since i live with my parents and I’m on Disability due to my anxiety and depression. So I understand where it comes from, but I felt like he wasn’t showing support at that moment, because getting into this sort of thing is not easy, and it’s a time commitment for myself.
I also took the liberty of following your twitch account because i was moved by the support you showed me and I am glad that there are people like you out in the world that like to make people feel better about what they’re passionate about.

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