Loneliness feels like being stuck between a rock a

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Belongs to: Therapist has a Lonely Day by System of Down
Loneliness feels like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. I’ve learned to enjoy my own company a lot, the peace and quiet it brings is freeing, but at the same time I won’t make any connections just by being home alone all the time, which ultimately contributes to me feeling lonely. But on the flip side, whenever I go out I can’t help but feel lonely even when I’m surrounded by people. For weeks or months, my only in-person interactions would be with my boss and greeting the cashiers at the places I shop.

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I’m so sorry that your dealing with a really tough situation. Feeling lonely, whether your alone or with others, can be super hard. It’s clear that this is very hard for you, and it’s okay to feel the way you do. Your feelings are important, and its okay to struggle with this. Feel free to message us if you feel worried or stressed.

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Thank you for sharing and for being here. While it’s good to hear that you’ve learned to enjoy being alone (and many people do like alone time), loneliness is such a difficult emotion and I’m sorry to hear that this has been occurring. Especially when we feel disconnected from others, it is normal (but difficult) to feel lonely or isolated even in the presence of others.

When we don’t connect with many others (by choice or due to lack of opportunity), it can bring up many negative emotions so I’m glad to hear that you’ve found some level of comfort in being alone (as you said, this really can be freeing), and am wishing you the best in navigating these tough emotions and/or building new relationships.

Thank you again for being here; please don’t hesitate to reach out if anything further is on your mind – we’re here for you.


Firstly, I’d like to appreciate you for reaching out and putting your feelings out there, it takes a lot of courage to do that. It sounds like you’re in a tough place right now. I empathize with what you said; that while the peace and quiet can be freeing, at times, loneliness can be difficult to deal with. Just a reminder, you don’t have to force yourself to interact with other people if you’re not ready yet. It’s completely valid to feel the way you do. If there’s ever a time where it gets overwhelming, feel free to talk to someone you trust, or you can also reach out to us, and we’d be more than happy to listen :slight_smile:

Sending love and support :heart:

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