Loneliness--Mike Hranica of The Devil Wears Prada

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Mike Hranica of The Devil Wears Prada shares about his struggles with loneliness and feeling surrounded by people yet totally empty.

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I went to school with him

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DWP is amazing. But I’m pretty sure this guy if not all the members are not atheist now. Still an amazing band. Hope God brings them back.

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“818” is still the soundtrack to so many peace-bringing drives for me. We still feel you out here :fist:t3:

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watching this in 2021 during pandemic.
I can’t wait to see Mike in person again…

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Such an amazing artist . He is underrated and he is very artist

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Can absolutely relate to what he is saying… Cannot wait to see you guys perform next week in Tampa. It’s been a long time coming but i finally have the opportunity to witness some of my favorite musicians live.

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Hranica in Slovak means “border”

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Does the feeling ever go away

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I love you mike. Youre music is a big inspiration to everyone

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It’s crazy, he goes from looking white to Mexican to white to Mexican. haha. I can’t put my figure on it.

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Does The Devil Wears The Prada considers a Christian band?

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Loneliness has always been… when I was a kid I was very, very shy and I had a hard time uhh just making friends and, and kind of being on the same level and page as everyone else. Umm and then once I-I joined the band and you know you’re forced to be around so many people. So uhh, such close contact and whatnot that helped a lot as well as performing for uhh a number of people. Umm, and then I was also even when I was still in high school I got involved in a long term relationship that umm did not end up as well as it could have. And uhh that sort of kind of, kind of threw like a wrench in the spokes as far as like reigniting a lot of my loneliness, but at the same time umm cause I had really just hidden my, my feelings and my, my confidence and everything behind umm surrounding myself with people and trying to win some of the attention, I suppose. Umm and that went crashing down and then since then and through - that was years ago, but with so many other struggles and there’s really something umm, a part of my life that I realized needed to be uh remedied, and umm, I think that the, the common denominator to a lot of my issues is - does tend to be like that loneliness. So many events that always happen the same way umm would be like, would just be the, the times when I was umm with people or with uhh a certain girlfriend that I was dating or whatever, and uhh, and not receiving that attention and relying on it so much to where when it’s not there then I just feel nothing, or I feel horrible. It’s the lowest of low for me. Umm, but the beautiful thing that I started to find more and more and something I know that I do hopefully once a day, at least, or frequently throughout the week, is just having those moments of, of, of self in uhh it doesn’t have to be so specific as like prayer, but like I feel like, like these days going on like a motorcycle ride and just like a quiet - like heading out of the city and driving through the city and whatnot. To me that almost feels like prayer. That feels like that there’s nothing you have to worry about. It’s almost a meditation. I feel like that’s very uhh - I feel like that’s built from god. And those are the sort of circumstances that really has helped me so much as far as loneliness, and the things that got me there was that relying and that honestly putting a lot of things, too much - too many things on other people’s shoulders. Too many things on my own shoulders. Umm, when again as a christian we’re called to give our - give everything to god and like, rely on that. Uhh, and I-I for a long time I wouldn’t do that, and again a number of specific events would happen and it would be like just standing up and staring at the ceiling, you know? Umm, but then there, there - things are better now. There are better moments of - not to say there aren’t issues - they obviously most certainly are, but umm, learning to enjoy the things that I know I love, and uhh, to be grateful for that, and to enjoy that is the better part of it.

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love you guys as you walked off the stage at crofoot a few weeks ago I yelled your name and you looked right at me and pointed to me, your music has gotten me through the darkest period of my life, I could never repay you and the the rest of Prada much respect and love bro

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This has been my life for the last year. His words convey everything. He devil wears prada is my favorite band and this just makes the connection closer.

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Ily Mike <3 you truly are an amazing person!!

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Never heard of these guys but this hits me here —> <3

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them spectacles tho…

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so how many of us watched the whole thing ! <3 ? I DID

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I relate to a lot of this. I really look up to Mike, he’s a great guy and a great performer.

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