Losing a parent

Yesterday my dad passed away and I really don’t know how to deal with this all. It’s starting to hit me hard that it actually happened and I honestly don’t want to believe it’s true. I just want to wake up from this nightmare and it have never happened. I never got to say goodbye to him which really hurts a lot. I just feel so lost, alone, confused and scared right now. I really don’t know what to do.

hey adam,
so sorry for your loss , take the time you need to grieve . take time to care for yourself. I know its hard to know when you didnt get to say goodbye.
Hold fast friend, we love you

Hey @Adam787 - I’m so, so sorry for your loss. We’re here if you need us. Hold fast, friend.

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Hey @Adam787, my heart goes out to you :heart:

This is one of the hardest parts of life, and I hope you’re giving yourself all the space you need to grieve. It’s okay to let yourself feel what you’re feeling right now, I promise.

I’m going to share something that has helped me get through the passing of my closest relatives and friends in the hope that it helps you too. In a very real sense, the people we’ve lost live on in us - in our memories, sure, but also in who we are. Your father is still with you, in your thoughts and your actions, in your blood. He’s part of who you are, and that will never change. Nothing can undo the love you shared.

Sending a huge hug your way :heart: It’ll all be okay. It doesn’t get easier, but you will get stronger. Always here if you want to talk :heart:

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