Losing my temper easily

I’ve been losing my temper really easily, i’ve hit my uncle a shit tone already. I’m rn trying to face my fear around him since i have scars all over my arms


It sounds like you’ve been able to connect the fear with the anger. That is how it works. The quick temper is fueled by the fear. People often see fear and anger as separate issues, but anger is a fear response. The question is, can you find a situation where you feel safe? If you live in a physically or emotionally risky place, it’ll be hard to get rid of the anger.

What can you change?


i do know we’re i feel safe, im normally feeling safe with my grandparents until my uncle comes over


This sounds like a pretty violent and brutal situation. What’s about your uncle that makes you fear to be around him? How would you describe your relationship? If you’re willing to share, of course.

I hope you’ve managed to rest and recover from this altercation. You’re loved. :hrtlegolove:


I just have really bad trust issues with many males in the family so, my uncle was one of them i don’t know what he really did to lose my trust but i just don’t trust him anymore


Thank you for sharing a bit of context. It helps to understand more. :hrtlegolove:

May I ask what are your parents reactions to what happened? Do they know about it? Did they say something?


They do know about it, they are working with me to face the fear that i have with him that i can be around with him again


That is so good to hear. I’m so glad your grandparents are such a pillar of support for you. They sound really amazing! :hrtlegolove:


Yea, my grandparents have been helping me a lot more then my mom was, the only thing my mom is letting me do now is tattoo myself to stop urges of mine but i won’t get the tattoos things for a couple weeks


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