Losing two really good close friends i knew half m

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Belongs to: Therapist analyzes Su!cIde by Ren
Losing two really good close friends I knew half my life in the last 4 yrs to gun inflicted suicide … 1 yrs apart from each other… I was not prepared.

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

I’m sorry for your loss for two friends. You must have been feel so much pain. Are you seeing a therapist to discuss about your friend’s suicide? Sometimes it helps you understand your emotions. Just remember your friend will always love you. Don’t ever blame it’s your fault. You did the best that you can to support your best friend. I hope someday you find peace in your life. I wish to give you virtual hug!

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Hello friend,

I would definitely talk to someone about it because I couldn’t even possibly imagine going through that type of scenario, ESPECIALLY in such a short period. I’m so incredibly sorry for your losses, and just remember you’re not alone <3

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Hey my friend. I am so so sorry to hear about the losses you’ve experienced. heartsupport — Mozilla Firefox - Losing two really good close friends i knew half m - Social Media / Support - YouTube - heartsupport — Mozilla Firefox - 17 April 2024 | Loom