Loss-of-the-idea-that-what-i-do-has-any-control-on - 2568

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Loss of the idea that what I do has any control on outcomes especially related to relationships. More an idea that the anxiety fueling a lot of my behavior wasn’t deepening relationships but was causing a wedge.


It really can cause a wedge in relationships, but I think our willingness to open communication can be a very good start to allowing those people to begin to know us and what we need. I hope that you are getting supported as you struggle with these anxieties

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loss of control and the raw anxiety during relationships is such a difficult feeling to navigate especially when it interferes with strengthening that relationship. it’s frustrating for sure - i totally hear you and understand you on that! please know you aren’t alone and i hope you can find common ground on this feeling with any future relationships.

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Hi Friend, I can so relate to what you have written, anxiety indeed causes wedges in almost all aspects of life and it is so very difficult to recognise when that happens, admit that its happening and indeed make the changes to try to prevent it happening. I myself have not managed to do that for the most part but I sincerely hope that you can and do. I wish you luck. Lisa. x

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Sometimes it does feel like that. But, you know, relationships are just that because it takes two. And both are putting in. I just think sometimes that has outcomes we expect, and sometimes not. Ya’ just have to keep trying to be the best for you. Hoping it gets better from here.

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