Lost-my-grandfather-this-year-who-was-my-last-gran - 2573

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Lost my grandfather this year who was my last grandparent. It’s a weird realization knowing an entire generation of people who raised you are now gone. He declined over a few years into dementia and that’s a difficult thing to watch unfold as they forget you and those around them.


Dementia can be a very hard disease and as someone who works closely with people affected by dementia, it can be sad when families tell you they don’t recognise the person who is in front of them anymore. I do hope that you feel comforted about the fact that there were still moments that brought happiness and joy to his life. That somehow love transcends past the disease to touch both ours and their heart.
Hold close your family through this hard time of grieving x


hey friend, the death of a grandparent, especially when it was the last one in that generation, is such a deep pain. i’m so sorry his death was a long decline. thank you for sharing this here and opening up.

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Yes, it is just one of the hard things in life. Strength in carrying on.


So sorry for the loss of your grandfather. It is weird to realize all your grandparents are gone, I just went thru loosing my last grandparent last month. So, my heart goes out to you. Having someone you love with dementia is extremely hard and I’m so sorry you had to watch him decline. Big hugs! You matter!

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Hi Friend, I am so sorry for your loss, It is a strange thing when the last of a generation is gone for sure but I think we also need to celebrate what each of them brought to our lives, what we learned from them and what they did in order for us to have what we have now, we now are that generation and we will have to do the same for the next one, lets hope we do as good a job as our grandparents. lots of love to you x


It must have been indeed a weird and also hard realization but to think that now an entire generaiton of your family is gone. Thinking about it, it’s like acknowledging that some of your own roots are away from you now. Although they still are so very present through the legacy of love and care they’ve been sharing in your family. Somehow it’s the beauty of generations that keep existing - the story remains, but is also constantly renewed.

I can only imagine how painful it was for you to see your grandfather struggling with dementia. It goes beyons words when the person you love doesn’t recognize you, or don’t remember things, or seems to be constantly stuck in a different world. There’s invisible walls between them and us, and even though they don’t see it, we do. It’s hearbreaking experience to go through, even though love can still be shared, expressed and received, even under these circumstances.

I hope that you can find peace as you navigate these losses in your life. That little by little, the pain of their absence will be more overshadowed by the joyful memories and the good laughs. Take good care of yourself friend, and take all the time that your heart needs to feel this grief. If you ever need to talk about it - or anything really -, the community at Heartsupport will always have the door open. :orange_heart: