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Belongs to: Therapist wishes you were here. (Pink Floyd)
Lost my mum to cancer two months ago, on her and dad’s wedding anniversary. I think of her every day. Have always regarded Wish You Were Here as one of my favourites
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My condolences. Mum’s are special people. Love that you can find solace in music that makes you think of her.
I lost my mom about 6 years ago to cancer as well, I will say it doesn’t get easier but it gets better. Having a song you love and can think about in a happy way in terms of thinking of her may help. The Story in Your Eyes by the Moody Blues (weird, but I used to listen to them with her as a kid all the time) is mine. Wish you were here is a beautiful song and my best suggestion is to appreciate the beauty of her in your life when she was there
I lost my grandfather to throat cancer. I had to watch a man who lived to trumpet no longer able to even play one note. It’s hard to watch the ones we love go in such a hard and difficult way. I took time for me to heal. It took years to heal but I can say now the pain is no longer there. I miss him time to time but the memory’s are more filled with joy than sadness. I understand your pain and know you are seen and heard.
I lost my mom to a brain aneurysm a few years ago. She lived Pink Floyd too and that funny cause Pink Floyd most definitely always reminds me of her. It was hard for a while. I still think of her all the time. Things have slowly gotten easier it’s still a process. I hope you get through this and stay strong. There’s a stranger out here praying for you and hoping that you are okay!