Lost someone in some way

From muffinlovesmuffins: ive been lonely for the past few years and finally found someone who makes me happy, although online, it’s still someone. we’re the same age and we get along really nicely. but, unfortunately, not too long ago, her mom found out about our chats and because she’s not okay with her daughter talking to people online, she grounded her and now we have no way to talk. ive been feeling suicidal for weeks already, but not talking to her just makes it worse. ive got nobody and my life seems to be falling apart. any help is welcomed ty


Hello muffinlovesmuffins

I think it is unfortunate that your access to the person who was bringing positivity to your life was suddenly taken from you like that. That can not be fun, but I think it is very important that you try to find self-love/self-worth to the point where, if people who are helping you stay emotionally secure are suddenly lost, you have self-love to fall back on. This can be something very hard to find, and build. So I am not saying you should magically have it, but finding the things that you love to do when alone, and the things you want to improve on in yourself, and then building them up. This can lead to a better experience in our down time, when we do not have loved ones to fall on. Having confidence in what we love to do, and who we are. Can lead to us finding more people like ourselves to build friendship with. Almost all of my friends and people in my life are online, and I do not consider that necessarily to be a bad thing. They are all people I met through doing my hobbies. Do you have hobbies, interests, or goals of any kind?

I also think it is important that we share outwardly with the people in our lives who are supposed to be supporting us, the negative feelings we are feeling. I spent most of my life not doing this. I thought it was better to suppress it all, and not bother the people around me. But I have found now, later in life, that I should have been sharing what I was feeling all along. It may not always make the people who I am sharing with feel great, but they would rather know what I am going through and support me. Then not know, and risk losing me. Loved ones are supposed to be empathetic, so they will hurt knowing you hurt, but they are also supposed to be helping support you and point you in the right direction. They can’t do so if you hide your emotional state from them. Do you have family members who know the suicidal feelings you have been feeling?

Feel free to share more with us if you want/need, we are here. Hope you can find some relief, even if just a little bit, to what you are going through. <3

Hello muffinlovesmuffins,

Thank you for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear about how you have been feeling and that you’ve been forced to let go of someone that brought you some happiness. It can be hard when we lose someone we care about and it is out of our control. I imagine it must feel like an unfair situation to be in.
I am unsure of the current dynamics with family and friends (in person) so I was wondering if you are able to express your feelings with any of your family members, or if you would be allowed to seek out professional help with navigating your feelings through counseling? Also, are there any activities that you can do or use as an emotional outlet - journaling, physical activity, or anything like that?

Depression and suicide are big topics on there own and having to manage them alone, as well as other things going wrong can be very overwhelming. I can understand and resonate with the stress that you must be feeling, and the heartache you are going through. I do hope there are other people or resources that you can reach out to that can help you, support you, and encourage you through this time and help you put the pieces back together.

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