Lost the love of my life last summer one week afte

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Lost the love of my life last summer. One week after her 41st birthday. :heart:attack

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Friend, I am so dreadfully sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine how difficult that has been for you, having to come to terms with such a tradgedy. I hope you are getting support from friends, family and any medical or mental health authority that is available to you.
We are of course here anytime you would like to open up, or just to vent your feelings etc. Grief is so very hard. I am sending love to you and want you to know that you are not alone. Much Love Lisa. x

Hi Friend,

I’d like to express my condolences for your loss. Losing a loved one is never easy, I too lost somebody close to me last year, and have been grappling with the feelings of that. Unexpected loss is heartbreaking, and I really do feel for you. I can’t imagine the pain you’re going through at the moment.

She was so young, and still had the majority of her life ahead of her, so it’s understandable that it was difficult. It’s important to cherish the good memories had, and repent that she loved you dearly.

Here is some more information that you might find helpful during this time:
Coping with Grief & Loss - HelpGuide (PDF)

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Hey friend, so sorry to hear about your loss. I recorded a video reply to your comment here: Video reply: Lost the love of my life last summer | Loom