Love this song ive been struggling with mental hea

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Hope by NF
Love this song, i’ve been struggling with mental health for so long that somedays i feel hopeless like ill never get better :pensive: today has been one of those days… where hope is hard to grasp
NF has been my therapy today :heart:and additionally Thank you for your videos


hey friend, thank you for being here and opening up about your mental health and pursuit of hope. i’m really thankful NF can provide relief, comfort, and an outlet for all you carry on your shoulders. some days can definitely be a struggle, even impossible at times. but i believe in you to keep fighting forward to reclaim the hope that rightfully belongs to you and your life ahead. i hope the days ahead can be easier on your heart and you can do something kind for yourself soon.


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Hi there,

thank you so so so much for coming here to talk about your story. I am glad that you found solace with this music, NF is a great artist.
I hope your days do get better with time. I know mental health journeys are not smooth and can be rather tumultuous. I hope that in the ups of your journey, you get to appreciate the world around you and see how far you have come, and in the lows, you remember that you are validated and you are supported, even if it is by a song. You are so loved. Remember to take a deep breath, it’s a sign that you are alive and sometimes, you just need to remember that you are alive and that you have made it this far. I think that is beautiful sometimes.

With love,


Hi there,

I love that song too! NF has always been one of those artists the encapsulates mental health struggles very well. This song especially is one that expresses that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope you truly embrace that sentiment and believe that there is hope that things can get better.

All love,


NF is an incredible artist, and has been vital in helping myself and many get through dark times. Hope is one of those things that can be the hardest to find when your life is crashing all around you. I can remember the last two years of my life struggling every second to find a reason to keep going. You are definitely not alone in feeling as though things won’t get better, but it will. I know that’s may be easy for me to say because i don’t know all that you are facing, but i do know that you can find a reason to keep going. It may be one wobbly step at a time, but you are moving forward. It may take you sitting down, with a pen and paper, and writing down what you’re feeling and also writing down the things that have given you a glimmer of hope. When I am where you are, and it continues to happen, I remind myself that I do have things or people in my life that give me hope that it will get better. You are not alone in your feeling of hopelessness and doubts. I see you and you are important, not one possibility one day. You are important at this very moment. You matter!

With love,
