Major Depressive Disorder

I am deeply depressed. I’ve been struggling with it for years, but it’s been getting worse for the past two. I’m just so overwhelmed, and I don’t want to try anymore. Getting out of bed is next to impossible. I’m exhausted.


Thanks for coming here and seeking support. Deep depression is very hard stuff and based on my own life and plenty of people that I have known and connected to it’s not uncommon for it to last for a long time. No matter what specific things in your life are making you sad I want to remind and reassure you that all emotions are valid and that we feel them for a reason. Depression is generally in response to loss and also about a lack of emotionally supportive people in our lives. Sometimes it is about anger turned inward. Can you look inside and see what things are not right in your life? If it is a lot of things maybe write them down. Trying to do something about all of them often feels overwhelming. Is there even a tiny thing that you can do to make your life better? Baby steps can build up hope and self confidence. I had to talk to a lot of different people including several counselors and use various support groups and try non-conventional treatments to move into a better space. If it’s super bad getting help from a professional counselor can be a good idea. I’ve found that rest and healthy escape are helpful as is being physically active. For me doing things with others helps get me out of my head. You deserve to feel better but it will almost certainly take some time and effort and you may have to try a number of different things to feel better. Best wishes.

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Depression is such a heavy beast to deal with. You are not alone my friend. Here’s a voice reply for you (> link): Major Depressive Disorder - HeartSupport / Support - heartsupport - 19 July 2024 | Loom - You got this. You will get through this rut. There IS hope. :heart: