Man this hits so hard a few years ago my depressio

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Man, this hits so hard.
A few years ago my depression where really difficult to deal with. When i drove by car at 100km/h i closed my eyes and counted to 3 multiple times, nearly took many Sleeping Pills with Vodka, drank till i passed out etc etc. I wanted to die, had a relapse while covid lockdown. Nowadays my depression is still there, but im happy i didnt end it.
Knowing it would atleast ruin my parents lifes.
Keep on fighting guys. Winter is coming

Sorry for my bad english, im german


your english is perfect, i hope things get better for you

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Thank you for being here and for making it through these heavy seasons of your life. Depression is a beast, but you are stronger than it is, my friend. I’ll be rooting for you. :heart:

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Hi there,

Thank you for opening up and sharing your journey with us today. Your progress is truly commendable, and it’s inspiring to witness how you’re using your experience to support others. Your resilience is remarkable, and you have every reason to be proud of the strides you’ve made.

Continue your journey with strength, and I’m genuinely grateful that someone who contributes so much to the world is still here with us.

With kindness,


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