Me and Myself

Hello :smiling_face: These last couple months have been absolutely terrible for me, can’t tell if it’s teenage angst or my depression or just everything. I feel as if I have no where to go anymore so I decided to hop on here, this is my first time using this website and I hope I get something out of it. Today, I’m just rambling about whatever. Please don’t mind any grammar or spelling mistakes, I’m absolutely tired right now and just looking for someone to listen to me.

Within the last year, I have recovered from an eating disorder. However as time passed, I started diving into more things and now I feel as if I’m spiraling down into a deeper pit that I was before. Every year I say my depression is just seasonal, but it doesn’t help when I feel the same every single month during every single week and each individual day with every single season and holiday. Nothing changes, but why? I’ve tried to get out of it so many times, but I end up just falling back right to square one. It hurts, and it’s just mentally draining. I’ve fallen into addiction and though I’m currently a month sober, I feel as if it’s for the wrong purpose. I’m going to relapse any minute now it’s going to feel so good in the moment but fuck am I going to regret it soon after. The last math test I took high, yet that day nobody noticed I was high. I’m naturally loud, extroverted, and very social, I’m not sure if I changed much while I was high because nobody noticed. I wish people noticed, not saying that to seek attention or anything, I just wish somebody knew so they could give me a reality check and smack some sense into my dumb brain.

My grades are dropping as well, not too much but slightly. I used to be a really good student, I’m even in student council and leadership, but now I barely have any motivation to do more than the bare minimum. I know I could do more because I’ve done more in the past, but it pains me so much to get out of bed when I don’t need to. All I do these days that’s remotely school related is read and write. It’s a good hobby I guess, but when I do it I feel like a fraud. All that I read and write isn’t anything good I think. More so recreational, but everything I read seems to make my mental state much more worse than before lmao. I think I’m stupid, like actually stupid. The only thing I’m good at is English, history, and music because that’s what I thrive in, everything else I’m a complete dunce. I don’t like being stupid, one of my friends(Idk if I should consider her that lmao) keeps affirming the fact that I am a dumbass. Even though I’m technically smart in my own ways, I can’t help but think that’s true.

Volleyball is a pain, I hate my teammates. The girls that I play with are unbearable and I’m sure one of them hates me even though we’ve know each other for nearly ten years(The same girl who calls me a dumbass :confused::confused:). I don’t know what I did for her to not like me anymore, maybe I did so something wrong but I feel like I’m completely left in the dark. I am the youngest girl on my team by a mere couple of months, is that the reason why I’m left out sometimes? I feel invisible there. My coach seems to have a personal vendetta against me while I barely get acknowledged, and it both mentally and physically pains me. The court is more like a workspace that I barely get paid in than a game that I enjoy playing in. I clock in and out of practice each week just for me to not even get put on that court. That’s full of shit, no? After playing for six almost seven years it’s embarrassing for me. I don’t want to play this stupid sport anymore, I’m sick and tired already.

I’ve lost all motivation. I can’t barely pick up my guitars or even walk to the piano and play something small. I’m tired of everyone and everything, or maybe everyone and is tired of me. I feel like I’m always a problem or a burden, like maybe it would be nicer or a weight lifted off a bunch of people’s shoulders if I wasn’t here to bother so much. I know one of my “friends” really does not enjoy my presence, what if there more? Or maybe even all of them? Am I insecure? I dunno, I think I’m overthinking this. I’m so tired. I want to sleep and never wake up. School is tiring, extra curriculars are tiring, people, friends, and everyone is just tiring. I want to be alone but I need to be with people to function. At the end of the day, I’m just a clingy extrovert. And it sucks. I love being alone but hate it at the same time, and I love being with people but hate it at the same time. Why is this so confusing?

I have contemplated of taking my life already, and I’m scared if I ever get to that point. I don’t want to fucking die, not yet, that’s so stupid if I die. I don’t have a valid nor proper reason to even kms, not to be conceited but I’m “popular” to an extent at school, I have a lot of friends and connections, a boyfriend, a sister, a brother, two parents, cousins both baby and big, and probably more people that can’t even cross my mind yet. “Why die? Why give it all away?” Is something I ask myself often when I seem to have everything going for me. The truth is I don’t and I just want everything to stop. I’ve been in a constant state of mental anguish and fighting this battle with myself and the urge to harm myself again. It’s cruel, what I’ve experienced is cruel. I don’t want to be like this. I wish I was happier, I don’t know how it got to this point and that’s nothing but terrifying.

If you read all of that, thank you. You must be angel :two_hearts: I’m just so lost right now and I’m glad you just came to listen to my thoughts :slight_smile: I appreciate you and stay safe


A very warm welcome to you, poet. I hope you find this place of comfort as you share and explore what is going on in your mind and life.

I hear you feeling exhausted by life right now. Finding motivation for it all can be something that feels like a far off goal.
You’ve got grades, friends, family, student council and volleyball (just to name a few) that are all vying for attention and not really seeming to fill this need in your heart for something to satisfy or perhaps even to settle your mind.

I know the urge to fill these little gaps of stress or feelings of inadequacy with something that either stimulates a more euphoric state or that feels like “I have control”. They present in those ways like disordered eating habits or to self medicate in various ways.
They kind of feel good at the time, but like you acknowledged the end result leaves you feeling regret.
It could be because they don’t fulfil the actual need of helping you navigate past the anxieties or inadequacies, they sort of just helps us dance around the problems.

You are student council, you play guitar and piano, you thrive in subjects like English and history and music, poet, you are not a dunce and you are not stupid. This is absolutely incredible and you are allowed to feel exhausted and need to have a break from everything.

I very much love that you want to be in a happier place in your life and you’re making connections in your mind about whether you actually are having those suicidal ideations or if it’s just that you want everything to stop for a moment.

Something that has been helpful in my journey is allowing myself to acknowledge that I don’t always have to be in control and that sometimes it’s okay for me to need to protect my peace.
This could look differently for people, but for me it looks a little something like saying “I am doing my best right now” and if my best today looks different from my best in a month, that’s okay. If my best today means I can do all the tasks and be super motivated then that’s awesome! But if my best in a month looks like me keeping my living space clean and making sure I have something nutritious to eat and drink, then that’s also awesome!

If your best in the past has been juggling all those activities and relationships with friends and family, that’s awesome! If your best right now is focusing on one of those areas, or even just focusing on using your mental and emotional strength to avoid using unhealthy coping mechanisms, then that’s also awesome!

We celebrate these small steps and victories because they are worthy of being celebrated.


Hi poet, welcome to HeartSupport! I am glad you found us and decided to post here.
Reading your post it becomes clear you are really struggling, I am so sorry you are going through all this.

You mention some suicidal thoughts, in case those thoughts become more acute please reach out to crisis resources Crisis Resources | HeartSupport
There is phone lines but also chat available to help you through that.

I am just a volunteer here and don’t know you personally. But from what you are writing I think it is quite likely you are experiencing a major depressive episode. And I personally think you should seek professional help for that. Talk to your parents or some other adults that you trust. You deserve to feel better than you do now. Because unlike what some ‘friends’ might be telling you, you are not stupid at all!
I am convinced that you are valuable and you matter :heart:

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Hi @poet-artist-romanticist ,

Welcome to HeartSupport! I’m so proud of you being sober for a month. I love how you are trying to improve you mental health. I used to face depression, it really sucks! It affect me to be motivated, lose interest in hobbies, and drinking problem.

It feels like you are feeling burn out. You mentioned joining in the student council & playing volleyball. I recommend taking break from those activities if you don’t enjoy them. Your mental & physical health matters the most. It’s okay to do nothing & be lazy for one day.

I always remind myself every morning: “That’s better do something than do nothing productive!” Try to say positive things about yourself: I’m good at “______.” It almost feels like you have low-self esteem. I’m really worry as a friend. Negative thoughts can make your depression feels worse.

I don’t think you are a dumb person. As a friend, I think you are really smart person because you explained your weakness . It’s okay to have flaws as a human being. I feel dumb at certain things but remember that’s how you fix mistakes.

I will try to make your day better. My cousin are the most smartest people on earth that you meet. Some of them are doctors, dentist, pharmacist, and engineers that attend famous ivy league schools. Also, they were famous in newspaper for academics. However, they are pretty clueless, don’t know how to simple task, and socialize. They didn’t want to admit their mistakes. It’s annoying when they are nosy about my personal business.

It’s awesome that your loved ones support you. Everyone goes through a different journey with depression. You need to be more confident & positive about yourself. I recommend to see a mental health professional about depression. Sometimes their tips help me become a better person. You can fight this battle with depression! I believe in you.

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