Merged posts

It is extremely triggering when i discover some of my posts merged with others. Its damaging to my mental health because they are not meant to be exist in the same time-frame…Although similar, they’re different. It makes me feel as though im not permitted to have non collective thoughts

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That genuinely isn’t fair to you. I’m sorry that’s happening. I don’t know why they would merge those posts unless it was both by you in a short period of time. That just feels wrong. Is there anything I can do to try and support you?

I think if you don’t agree with merging of your posts it is best to contact the moderator or other staff member that has merged the post. @Forum-Moderators

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Hi @Lavendercrandberry,

I understand that it can seem confusing at first! Thank you for reaching out about this.

To provide a bit of context, the reason why topics are merged sometimes - either manually or automatically -, is because we try to maintain a policy of one active support topic by user within roughly a time frame of two weeks.

Unfortunately, we have seen a lot of abuse of support requests on the forum in the past with a high amount of support topics created by few users in a short amount of time, repeatedly. As a result, this makes it more difficult for people who post just once or much less frequently to receive support from our volunteers/users, because their topics get pushed more and more below on the list. We have at heart for every single person on the forum to receive support, and unfortunately this has led to miss out on topics before who have been left unsupported for too long, which is of course a priority to us.

So we had to find a system where we can both preserve the need for support of every person posting and the important amount of new Support topics created daily. We collectively share the same space here, and this cohabitation can sometimes require measures that can feel arbitrary at first, although in practice you can still reach out as you need - we simply encourage to do so on the same thread when you feel like posting multiple things in a short time frame.

In practice, if you create two support topics within 15 days, even if is about different subjects, there is a high chance that they would be merged together as we have automations for this. A topic can be used as a thread and an ongoing conversation - it doesn’t need to be one topic = one struggle or thought to share. Keeping a continuum in the same place also helps volunteers understand more of what is your life context at a given point, and provide better support as a result. :heart:

I hope this helps to understand what’s the motivation behind the merging. Definitely no willingness here to censor you, and you haven’t done anything wrong. It’s simply to keep this space balanced for everyone to be seen and receive the support they need when they post at the same time.

Hold Fast,