Metal-saved-my-life-and-especially-the-bands-strap - 2423

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Metal saved my life!! And especially the bands Strapping Young Lad, Akercocke and Anaal Nathrakh. But one song in particular Relentless by Strapping Young Lad! ( I was 2 or 3 steps away from jumping in front of a train and than i heard this song and started singing and screaming together with this song, i broke down as a big crying puddle of a big man that couldnt handle it anymore. Few people came running towards me and called the police to help me. I can tell more about it if i dont bother you with it, but since birth i went through a lot which ended in cptsd and a lot of anxiety. Metal still helps me to get through the day, when im with public transport i always listen to music so i wont hear people talk, laugh or whisper, otherwise my head goes: they talk about me, they find me weird and that kind of stuff


Hello, thank you so much for sharing my friend. I’m sorry that you had to go through that but I’m so glad you were able to stay with us. Music seemed to have such a positive influence on you and that’s not a bad thing at all. Relating to music can help us accept our feelings and feel validated. You’re so brave to reach out. I hope you‘ll always find a reason to stay just like you did on that day! Keep going and stay strong <3


Music can be very, very powerful in the moment we need it to be. I’m grateful that you did not jump and that people came to help you. I’m glad you are still here. I’m so very sorry that you went thru a lot growing up and it’s good that music helps you get thru your day, especially good how it helps you when you’re using public transportation to distract yourself from the thoughts of people talking about you. That’s a very good coping skill. I hope that you are doing better now and have good support. You matter!

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Music can be so powerful and you have just shown us just how totally powerful it is. I am so thankful to hear that the right song was there at just the right time to stop you from jumping in front of that train. What a deep painful place you must have been to be considering that as an option. I’m glad that this song has spoken so profoundly to you and changed the course of your life. If you would like to come to Support - heartsupport and tell us more, we would like to hear more. Please know that this is a safe place to come and talk about what is on your heart.

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