Mine usually tell me im trash because im an alcoho

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to LEAVE ME ALONE by NF
Mine usually tell me I’m trash because I’m an alcoholic, I have ADHD and I let that hold me back, that I’m beyond slow and will never amount to anything, that I’ll never be a writer, I barely ever really read, my ideas are worthless and I’ll just be a mechanic forever. @heartsupport

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Hello friend,

Thank you for posting! Can I ask, are your thoughts truly reflecting reality, or are they being overly critical? You might be an alcoholic, but that doesn’t mean you’re trash. People can overcome addiction and live fulfilling lives. When it comes to ADHD it can make things challenging, but it doesn’t mean you can’t be a successful writer. There are many ways to manage ADHD, and there are likely writers out there with similar experiences. Maybe you haven’t written a novel yet, but have you jotted down any ideas? Every step forward counts. You can’t control your past mistakes, but you can choose how you move forward.

Hold fast, you’ve got this!

Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable with us. You matter and have the ability to do anything you put your mind and heart to.Dealing with addiction and ADHD must be really difficult, but it does not define who you are or what you can and can’t do. The first step is to acknowledge the reality of your situation and how you would like to move forward. If writing is something you are passionate about, I really want to encourage you to just go for it! Your message and voice deserve to be heard! We are always here to support you <3.

First of all, I want to tell you that you are valuable, you are worthy and capable. There was a time in my life where I felt defeated because of all the things that were coming up against me, I felt like I was never going to come out of that dark tunnel but with courage and perseverance I pulled through. The fact that you are able to openly express the way you feel indicates that you are courageous, and you have the ability to become an amazing writer. Cheering for you!

Hi there,

Thank you for your vulnerability and honesty in sharing your feelings. You are still worthy of love and happiness in this crazy thing we call life!

Addiction and ADHD can be incredibly difficult to struggle with, but I applaud your strength thus far and want to reiterate similar to what @Malig3 said, that it does not define who you are/what you can do. The way you have taken the first step in the healing process and acknowledging everything shows your true courage, and I am proud of you.

My best piece of advice would be to pursue your dream, and just go for it. Every step forward in your future is an important one, and I believe in you! Stay safe and healthy!

Oh friend, you are not trash - but I completely understand that it’s really hard sometimes to combat our inner critic. It will magnify every doubt, every fear or every mistake a thousand time, to the point of convincing you that you are worth nothing. But this voice tells a lot of lies, and is more a reflection of your hurt. Somehow, it’s a call in disguise to be kind to yourself, to practice offering yourself grace - jut like you would with someone you love that you would see struggling too. Your social status, your job, your relationships… none of this will ever define your worth in this world. Just right here you’ve done something amazing and courageous by opening up about your struggles. It may not feel like it on your end, but I can assure you that it’s far from being nothing, far from being unnoticed. You matter so very much, and your struggles don’t make you a failure in any way. It makes you a human being trying to cope and survive in a world that can be very wild and confusing at times. Finding our way through this life is the biggest challenge we could ever face. You matter very much friend. You are important and you deserve to feel supported in your life - by people who see the beauty in you, but also by yourself. :heart:

@@HeartSupport my thoughts are this because people always rush me to get the job done in the mechanic world like taking my time to get it right isn’t enough. They don’t want me to only be proficient but also fast. I for one am not built for fast. The moment I rush myself is the very same moment I miss a step. Like with alignments, I can do them in my sleep however the moment someone wants me to do it in ten minutes is the moment I forget to pull the pins out or even the whole lefty loosy righty tighty thing. But that brings me back to being a writer because that’s my true passion but every story I try to make comes out with plot holes. And I want to try to avoid that. That’s probably that inner critic doing the only job I need it to do.