Miss you look horrified this is every day life for

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Belongs to: Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica
Miss you look horrified. This is every day life for a lot of us. Army 2001-2009 overseas the entire time other than basic/ait and jump school then straight overseas. I was good at my job but got blown up 1 too many times to be effective and got out. I’ve begged the VA for help with physical injuries and mental health. I’ve told them I’d rather not live and sat here more nights than not saying go ahead pull the trigger can you really endure another day of this sh-t! And the only think keeping me here is my son. Now the marriage fell apart and I only see him about 2 days a month. Can’t get help and can’t go on what are guys like me supposed to do? We aren’t living! I don’t believe 1 of those commercials, hotlines, if having suicidal thoughts press 6and stay on the line, va psychologist and psychiatrist all fail always someone will get back to you. They never do. So with dealing with all these type of issues, chronic life altering pain, untreated injuries, the va just pumping ya full of drugs, no one listens or cares, they screw ya on your disability rating, can barely keep a job, friendships, relationships… there’s 100’s of thousands of us in the same situation so the next time you see on the news “ today a veteran suffering from ptsd did xyz which left a community reeling asking how this could have happened.” THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENS!

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I’m so sorry that this is the reality for so many of our veterans. You have given up so much to create a country that offers its citizens the chance to have freedom, and I’m so sorry that this same country doesn’t have the resources to help you. I want to personally thank you and express my gratitude for everything you have done and sacrificed for the sake of our country. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.

I am so sorry to hear about your struggles and my heart truly goes out to you. The way you have been treated and neglected by facilities that are supposed to help you is unacceptable. I want you to know that we are here for you. Anything you may need to talk about is fair game, and we would love to hear more from you. HeartSupport is designed to help those who feel as though they can’t get help anywhere else, so I’m very glad that you have found us. I know that I can’t change what you have been through, but I can listen, talk, and support you through all of the feelings that may come as a result. The world is a better place with you in it, and I know that it would not be the same without you. You are loved, you are seen, and you are cared for. Thank you for your service and I hope to be able to speak with you more.


I am so sorry to hear that you have been through that immense level of pain and suffering. What i hear you saying is you feel stuck in a place where the only way out would be getting additional resources or treatment or a helping hand, and none of those avenues sound possible. You said you arent even living. I’m hearing so many of the systemic inequalities which you are at the bad-end of… with healthcare, the VA, the military systems… none of the problems in these systems are your fault but yet you are here suffering for their dysfunction. Your level of pain and hopelessness is so deep you say you would rather pull the trigger than go through another night in the state you’re in.

You hold on your your son. You hold on for love. And that love is what brings meaning to your life. If for nothing else, hold on to him. It will change his life to know you are there even if it is just 2 days a month. Being that positive person in his life will change his entire life trajectory. So hold on for him. You will not regret pushing through these blockades of resources and assistance for his sake.

I hear you on being stuck in a system that isn’t working for you, but the system isn’t all that’s out there. There are alternative aids and doctors and the system you’re stuck in isnt all that’s put there. I don’t mean to diminish the prolonged and continual physical pain you are in and the injuries you live with daily, but if you don’t give up for the sake of your son and for the sake of yourself you will not regret it. You have so much strength for making it this far. Thank you for your service and i am so sorry the system has failed you in this way.


After serving and sacrificing so much for your country for almost a decade it’s incredibly devastating to hear of the neglect you have experienced. Hopefully this does not come across as too cliche, but you do have so much to offer this world–your story alone has given me so much gratitude for those serving and raised my awareness of the struggle of those around me.
I’m genuinely so thankful for your sacrifice and the sacrifice of others like you, and I hope and am praying you are connected with the help and resources you need to continue a more fulfilling life!

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